
How can my fiancee make his sprem stronger?

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His sprem account is low.




  1. This is a ask the Dr. that ran the test question. He probablly needs further investigation into this issue and a second test. Count in it self isn't the whole picture. Number of living and healthy, good swiming sperms is the rest of it. He could have blockage in his vessels, causing sperm to die before ejaculation. Dr.'s can help with this and if treatments don't work you may have to use Advanced Reproductive Treatments to get pregnant, but get pregnant you will!

    P.S. it is you can check my errors :)

  2. It depends on how low . . . if it is seriously low, he will need to work with his doctor on a treatment plan . . . if it is just below normal, you can try some of the tips below.

    Your fiance should wear boxers, no hot baths or hot tubs and lose weight if he is heavy. My DH saw an increase when he cut out the junk food, switched to a healthy diet and lost about 30 lbs.

    Conceive Magazine ran an article on "Fertility Foods for Guys"- maybe it will help (and it definitely won't hurt).

    1) Brightly colored fruits and veggies - rich in antioxidants

    2) Oranges & citrus fruits - Vitamin C reduces risk of damaged sperm

    3) Watermelon - good source of lycopene

    4) Pumpkin seeds and baked beans - rich in zinc

    5) Lean meat and poultry - rich in L-carnitine for sperm movement / motility

    They also said to avoid soy which may lead to poor sperm quality and alcohol which can lower testosterone.

    Caffeine can go either way - three or more drinks a day may hamper fertility but other studes show that caffeine "may" help with a low sperm count

    Good luck!

  3. My Dr. told hubby to take L-Carnatine (you can get it in the supplements and vitamins at walmart).  I'm not sure if it will increase the count but it will increase their motility and quality.

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