
How can my friend and I have fun without spending a single cent?

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How can my friend and I have fun without spending a single cent?




  1. GO SWIMMING OR go online


  3. get into parcore or freerunning its free and fun

  4. Visit your library for story time or a free program that most libraries do during the summer.  

    Make a sack lunch and go to the park and play frisbee and have a picnic.

    Learn to play chess or checkers.

    Take out any board games you have laying around and play them.  Or make up a new board game and teach it to others.

    Check with your parents and see if you could plan a game party for the kids in your neighborhood.  Have the kids bring a snack to share for your party.

    These shouldn't cost anything and could be fun.

  5. There are several ways

    1.stay at home

    2.go house crashing at someone's house(but not any of your houses)

    3.go outside,walk,lie on the grass,sit on benches

    4.if you have some kind of talent perform it outside,e.g. take a guitar and perform in publick it's fun + you win money =D

  6. Just talk and laugh about your dreams and aspirations.

  7. Play D&D or a board/card game.  If not try freerunning.  Freerunning is fun but kinda dangerous.

  8. Make jokes, talk, do the funky chicken...

  9. Spin around in circles until you get sick is my advice. After you've recovered i suggest people watching, making cheap YouTube videos if you have a camera, writing, hiking in the woods, get a job (reverse of spending), etc.

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