
How can my husband and I find someone that wants to put their child up for adoption?

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My husband and I have infertility problems, I have PCOS and he has low sperm count and low motility. We have been seeing a fertility specialist, but we feel like this is not what God wants us to do. We feel like we are supposed to adopt. How can we find a birthmother outside of an adoption agency? We are christian people, with alot of love to give a child, and I assure any of you, the child we adopt will not ever want for anything. Please, anything that you can help with, will be greatly appreciated. Thank you so much in advance for your time...




  1. go to an agency, go on the waiting list otherwise why not try surrogant parenting?

  2. You need a homestudy and an understanding of your state laws regarding independent adoption before you start looking for a child to adopt. For example in my state it is illegal to advertise or solicit in any way, shape, or form and we had to explain, under oath, how we came to meet our son's first parents.

    Consult with an adoption attorney in your area aas well as get started on your homestudy, first. Then you can advertise or post your profile, or network or whatever is allowed in your state.

  3. Baptist church should be able to help or provide u info

  4. post your request on local news papers or mag zines. Just be humble, and be eloquent, so you won't scare off potential mothers.

  5. You may want to check with the local crisis pregnancy center in your area.  They usually have resources for pregnant teenagers looking for adoptive resources.  In Kansas City, we have The Light House, which connects babies to adoptive resources.  

    You might also consider becoming a licensed foster parent and requesting young children.  There is a huge need in the US for Christian foster parents and you may end up with an infant!   Adoption in these cases are paid for by the state.  

    I do recommend that you go through some kind of reputable agency.   I have seen adoption frauds in my line of work and I would hate to see you go through some terrible adoption scam.    

    May God lead you in the right direction.

  6. there was just a girl on here last night wanting to put her baby up for adoption keep posting every night and hopefully you will find some one on here!!

  7. You need to go to an adoption agency or an adoption attorney because if you don’t you could end up getting scam.

  8. There are options for ethical adoptions:

    1.  Networking - churches, doctors, friends

    2.  Licensed adoption agency

    3.  Licensed adoption attorney

    4.  Adoption facilitator (check your state to see if they are legal there first.)

    5.  Ads in newspapers with 800 numbers.

    Anything else reeks of solicitation and black market adoptions.  You need counseling and so does the birthmother, so get that no matter what route you choose to try, and then make sure the birthmother who is considering you gets counseling also.  Adoption is much more complicated than people realize.  Sometimes casual knowing someone who knows someone works out great, but not very often at all!  Most people go the traditional route because then your rights are protected and so are the birthmother's.  That is the way it should be.

    But remember, you must first QUALIFY and BE APPROVED to adopt.  Get an Adoption Homestudy first and then proceed.

  9. Be ethical in searching.  Here is a pdf about protecting the rights of birthparents in the adoption process.

  10. Hi there

    I am looking for someone to adopt my child

    please contact me if serious

  11. When we adopted our son we found him in our own family. The best way and the cheapest way is to let everyone in your family know that you are looking to adopt. You will be surprised how many second cousins twice removed that are pregnant right now... and you have no idea. Networking within your family is the first place I would try. Good luck! I wish that you find your child soon.

  12. You could start here on YAHOO answers, you have all these dumb 14 year olds asking about abortions.

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