
How can my job check my internet history?Not just check the cookies, or internet files, but a detailed report.

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How can my job check my internet history?Not just check the cookies, or internet files, but a detailed report.




  1. i assume they would need access to your pc.

    edit:not your home pc,i think big brother i always watching at you actually see managers work??lol

  2. There is specialized software that any company can put in place on their internet proxy servers, such as WebSense, Surf Control, and so forth. Anyone on the company network that goes through that server to access the internet is having everything they do logged by the software. So the company can monitor any and every website you go to and report on when you were on a site, for how long, and so on.  

  3. Everything you do is likely logged onto the network. They have the ability to check each website you go to through their own computer.  

  4. you're going through their proxy/gateway/firewall. they keep logs, with a level of granularity that will make your head spin. then they can run these logs through a reporting tool to see who is going to what sites or what sites you've gone to if your manager request such a thing.

  5. how bout you start working and you wont have to worry bout that?

  6. If you're using a computer at your job then the odds are pretty good that they log everything you do.  This log is kept on a completely different computer so it has nothing to do with the cookies and internet files on the computer you are using.   There are a lot of methods of doing this and companies are getting exceedingly efficient at keeping very detailed logs of everything that is done on the company's computers.

  7. most companies use a special software example Superscout

    which keep detailed logs of all sites, downloads, uploads, bandwidth,ip change....etc

    yeah...i browse a lot but you should learn how not to p**s the admin off


  8. If you are using their computer, they can log EVERY keystroke you make.  It's their computer.

  9. I don't know how they do it.  But I know they do!  My brother-in-law is in IT and he always marvels at the things people THINK they can get away with...but he is able to see everything they're installing or downloading, how many hours they're online, etc.

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