
How can my mom adopt a baby girl from china?

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my mom is single, and she has a boyfriend right now with 2 kids, but it's nothing serious. she has me, who is soon to be 13, and very good with kids, and my 11 year old sister, who is also good with kids. (we have a 2 year old half brother) we all want to adopt a baby girl from China, but we dont know if we'd be able to.

we live in a big house, with lots of room for a little kid to play in, we have 2 VERY quiet dogs, that are old, too, and 2 cats. there is lots of nice areas outside to play in, and there is 3 bedrooms here. me or my sister would be glad to share a room with the baby or each other.

so how can we adopt?




  1. i'm sorry i know nothing about adoption but alot of people are saying single people can't adopt from china, i watched a documentry a while ago following a single woman trying to adopt, in the end she adopted her baby from China so it is possible. Good Luck

  2. seems far to go just to get a baby

  3. Only married couples can adopt from China now. The rules were changed awhile back that blocked all singles from adopting.

  4. well its hard for a single person to adopt anyways.   Also she is a single mother with 3 kids and she isn't in a serious relationship

    Does your mom really want this or are you just thinking it would be fun.

    Kids aren't toys or pets

  5. Your mother can't adopt from China, unfortunately. Singles are not allowed, even if they're parenting other children. China is pretty strict about enforcing its rules, so they can't be expected make an exception.

    Vietnam is closed new applicants for international adoptions at this time. (Though applicants who met the cut-off will still have their paperwork processed, it's too late to start now.) This is not a good time to consider adoption from Vietnam.

    Have you looked into your state's foster care adoption program? If not, I suggest you do so. There are children in the system very much in need of permanent and stable homes, and most states allow single people to adopt. Adopting locally rather than internationally decreases the amount of transition the child would have to make (just to a new family, not a new culture) and will avoid some of the questions of ethnic identity that often come up for people raised outside their birth culture.

    International adoption isn't the only option. Children in your own state are also in need of homes.

  6. A single mother cannot adopt from China, China only allows married couples.

  7. You will be unable to adopt from China.

    China requires adoptive parents to be married for a certain number of years before they can adopt.  If one or both parents have been married before, the required number of years for the current marriage is higher.  There is also a cap on the number of marriages between the couple.

    There are other requirements, as well, but that one would keep your family from adopting from China.  Sorry.

  8. Vietnam is closed. The really only options your mom would have are Ethiopia, Russia,or Haiti.

  9. contact an adoption agency. I have a little sister from China and a little brother from China. The experience is amazing. Go for it, they feel just like one of my biological sisters and brother.

  10. if your mother is serious about adopting from china then why isn't she asking the question rather than her 13 yr old?  

  11. A single mother with three kids cohabitating with a unrelated male would make it impossible to adopt from China.

  12. She would need to register with an organization that specializes in foreign adoption.  I believe there is a huge waiting list for babies these days -- a single mom who already has 3 kids would not be given priority.  

  13. Singles can not adopt from China.  Even if she isn't technically single she will still not be able to adopt from China, unless she marries her boyfriend and they are married for two years (if neither had been married before) or five years (if one of them has been married before).

    She would also need to be under 55, make over 50,000/year and have a net worth over 80,000.  There are other stipulations.

    These are China's rules and unbreakable.  Have her look into adoption from foster care.  

    Also, a baby isn't a toy.

    I also want to add that even if she was eligible to adopt from China, the wait right now is so long, you would be in college before the baby came home from China.  Right now they are at an over 3.5 year wait which is only getting LONGER, and will probably hit way over five years.  China no longer wants to have the reputation it has in regards to international adoption, since they think it looks bad, so my guess is by 2010 they will no longer be accepting any new applicants to adopt and will rush through the remaining LIDs just to be able to close the program.  

    If your mom is really serious about adoption, she really should look into adopting from Foster Care.

    ETA: There is a lot of corruption in the Vietnam process, from what I know it is currently closed to any new applicants at this time.

  14. does your mom want to adopt?  if not, this question is mute. do't worry dear, school will be staring soon.  sorry you're so bored.

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