
How can my mom get a better job in a law firm?

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My mom is a secretary in a small lawfirm (she has had this job for about 10 years, and other similar jobs for most of her life). She is very unhappy there and not making a lot of money. Is there any kind of online class she could take to become a paralegal and get a better, higher paying job? Would a paralegal have an advantage over a secretary if appyling for a job??




  1. I think that a paralegal may get paid a higher salary.

    Type in paralegal training in the Yahoo Search the Web window and try to read what is included in the entries.  I think that you will find all the answers to your questions.

    It is very nice to see a young person like you who wants to help out a really hard working mom who probably could do better for herself and daughter.  

    If you take the time to read up on some of the entries you can be of more help to her because you will be able to encourage her.

    Good Luck to both of you.

  2. Yes, there are a few on-line Universities that offer Paralegal courses. Here's a link to help:

    If she's the sole provider of any family income she's also eligible for a Pell grant that will cover most of the tuition and fees. Here's a link for that:

    My wife and two of my daughters are going through college that way.

    With encouragement and help from you, take up the slack so Mom can study, she'll do well.

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