
How can my son be given a ticket for a suspended license if he never had a license?

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How can my son be given a ticket for a suspended license if he never had a license?




  1. Why does it matter? He broke the law either way

  2. there is a driving w/ license charge, basicly same thing, could be accident... could have the same name with somebody that has a suspended license..... but... if in most states, if you are kicked out/drop out of school, or have a drug charge befor e18, they suspend them till you are 18 (delay access to obtain them)

  3. It's a trick question. The answer may be this: your son got stopped. The cop asked for his license. He said he did not have it on him, that it was suspended. The cop didn't have a means to check it at that moment (no computer in the car). The cop gave him a ticket for a suspended license. Can he beat the ticket? Sure, but only by admitting that he was driving without any license at all. The question is, what do you want to do now?

  4. it is possible that he got ticket or a fine for something else that he didn't pay and they just automatically send notices of suspension.

    I had that happen, I forgot about a fine that I got for my house needing a paint job (seriously) and they suspended the drivers license I never had, lol.

  5. well you're lucky it should be under-age driving which you and your son could go to jail for so if all he got was a ticket you should consider yourself lucky.

  6. was he driving without a liscence?? if so they will penaly him, after he does have a liscense by suspending it??

  7. Thats exactly what I wanna know!

  8. Take the keys from him please.  Stop pampering him.  Or he'll  keep on doing stupid things.  Sorry to be so hard but come on man. You can baby him and let him feel that trouble is OK. or keep him off of the road until he gets a license.

  9. NOOOOOOOOO!!! How the h**l could he get a one for something that never happened!!!

    IF YOU HAVE TO TAKE IT TO A THE SUPREME COURT DO IT!!! the citizens of this country cant not be pushed around by the government any more!

  10. Wjhy does your son driving when you're not even old enough to booze it up?

  11. States will some times suspend a person's driving privilege.  If they never had a license the state will create a control record and show the status as suspended.  Here in NC they come back as control numbers (not driver's license numbers) and the status is listed as either "Inactive" (meaning unlicensed) or "Suspended."   The suspensions come after the violator fails to show up for court or fails to pay a fine or gets a DWI.  

    It shouldn't matter because if he never had a license then he shouldn't drive anyway.

  12. Most states have a statute that includes the right to apply for or be granted a license as part of their suspension laws, so apparently your son already has one offense or more of operating with no license or other motor vehicle code  charge and has his right to operate, apply for or obtain a license suspended, and so he is in fact suspended.

  13. ur son clearly sounds like a ***** ground him

  14. --- Whether or not you hold a driver's license you have a driver's license status. If you receive citations while you do not have a driver's license you still are collecting demerit points against that status.

    --- Accumulate too many points or be convicted of a violation that carries mandatory suspension and your status will be moved to suspended, even though you never held a hard copy DL. Its the status that counts.

    --- Your son has apparently been cited previously for violations that either totaled enough points to earn a suspension or he was convicted of a past charge that required a mandatory suspension. Examples would be underage drinking, if he has a past underage alcohol violation then his DL was suspended for that and apparently he never reinstated. However it could be other violations too. His license status was then changed to suspended and it would remain that way until the mandatory time period ended or he got officially reinstated after he obtained a drivers license.

  15. He shouldn't be driving if he doesn't have a license, or he wouldn't have gotten a ticket. It sounds like he was driving w/o a license, got caught, and now, they are making sure he can't get his license for a while, since he broke the law.

  16. The only way this could possibly happen, is if he were DWI, DUI, and had no license of any.  He would have to be driving while under the influence or intoxicated.

  17. why aren't you asking your son why he was driving without a license? you seem to be acting like the cops are to blame. teach you kid some respect for the law.

  18. it means hes been caught driving without one before,and it was then suspended,now hes caught again,and hes gonna go to jail.

    noah v,put the bong down and step away from the,supreme court,what a tool.

  19. He has a fake?

    It should be driving without a license though.

  20. It might be a false charge made up by the cops because they didn't have anything else to charge him with......

  21. if he was driving it's because he doesn't have a liscense. that's probably just a way of saying it.

  22. So are you saying he was driving before he ever had a license and got a ticket for that?  Maybe it's considered the same thing as a suspended license, but I would think there would be a ticket for driving without a valid license, rather than it being considered a suspended license.

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