
How can my tamagotchi v4 connect?

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My brother and I have tamagotchi's and we're trying to connect ours since his is a girl and mine is a boy. but we can't figure out why they wont conect. There really colse in age and we really want them to connect! Can someone tell us how? Because the way we're tryign to connect isnt working!




  1. you gotta get bothe of them upright flat on a table and then make sure the tops of them are facing eachother like if you flipped on it would be on top of the other and then the middles button hold it down and they should conect

  2. Well, to connect both of your tamagotchis have to be the SAME age. Otherwise the connecting won't work. Click on the link and follow the diagram to make sure both of you are connecting correctly.

    Glad I helped. =]

    P.S - Just click on the picture to zoom in on the connecting part.

  3. 1. both tamagotchi has to do this

    2. both of the top tamagotchi is touching

    3. go to the last icon on the first row look like hearts

    4. click on it

    5. if same version click i think connect... if not click on the version the other tama is

    6. if not put other

    7. if failed just push the middle button and it would retry... it really doesn't have to be the same age in my tama. and maybe yours

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