
How can naturally quiet people fend?

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I like silence. Nobody i've ever met is like me. I cant be around anyone without them poiting out how much of a wallflower i am. I once heard that silence is part of a conversation (when you are around people) and that it is important? I dont feel like I need to talk to get to know someone,but nobody seems to think like me. Everyone I am surrounded with is loud,and so if I am around people that I know will think Im weird [like new people],I usually force myself to speak, but it's like forcing yerself to clean your room even though its already clean. In other words, not worth it to me. Am I just anti-social? I know it's not shyness because I'm even like this with my family and close friends. Though sometimes I AM shy, but not to the extreme.

I feel fine being silent, I just don't get why people always have to ask me what is wrong with me and such. And it seems like even my friends hate it sometimes. Is there actually something wrong with me?[I have general anxiety disorder (and Im on an anti-depressant) but I don't think that has anything to do with it. ]

If there is some way to cure this thing please tell me?

I am going into high school and I'm not desperate, but I don't want to be hated for this [being that quiet person] again?




  1. Things would be boring if we were all the same.

    I'm really quiet sometimes, I can sit there and think of NOTHING to say but I'm usually like this if I don't like the people and don't see them as worth my time. If I dont like someone I ignore them, maybe thats what your doing? theres nothing wrong with being quiet but you should speak up to family at least!

  2. Haha.. that was a goodone. Feeling like cleaning an already cleaned room :-). Noting is wrong with u. U know my bro is like that? My Mom is like that? And even the guy I love, is like that. It's just the way they are. Even I am kinda like that. I am so comfy being silent. Actually, with my Mom, I am guilty of asking her too "Mom, are you allright? Why are u so quiet"? And she tells me she gets that a lot. I keep asking my bro too. Haha. Well, I do get concerned coz being QUIET also happens when we are down. So don't get irritated with people..and just let them know with a nice smile that u r absolutely fine and talk about something briefly.. so then they can relax..and then u can get back to ur work.

    Be yourself. Have self-confidence. Be comfy in ur skin and don't get self-conscious. If u do, just speak or share something. Actually, this would be useful when u r in a I do believe communication is very imp. in a relationship. So see talking as a positive thing too. And a step towards friendliness and interest.

    Above all, again I do wanna yourself. If new people think different of u, let 'em. They will eventualy get to know you. If not, that's fine too. U dont have to go bout life proving things to people.

    Overall, nothing's wrong with u but do keep making some attempts for the sake of care and interest for others. Take care.. :)

  3. well firstly take a look at yourself:

    1:Are you well read and knowledgeable about the world? because this is an important factor in making effective conversation.

    2.Do you dress well and take pride in your appearance? this is not as important as the first but it gives you confidence when you are among people.

    3.Are you serious about your life and do you do well at school and have clear cut goals for your future? this makes you feel proud of who you are and increases your self esteem.

    Take a good look at your life and if you answer 'no' to any of the above questions then please work on them.

    Silence and solitude are good, but humans are social beings and talking and communicating is a part of our lives that we can't avoid.

    If you communicate effectively you will form a good network of friends and that will always be useful throughout your life as you can always lean on someone in times of need.

    But if you keep to yourself you wont have that and you may feel lonely in times of need.

    Of-course you can always have your alone time when you just sit by yourself, contemplate and enjoy your own company.

    Best of luck, hope this helps.

  4. People your age are desperate to make a statement. You make yours by remaining silent. Who are they to say that that's a bad thing?

    Teenagers have no idea who they are, or what they want in life. Anything you fret over during your teen years ultimately tends to have no consequence in the real world.

    In other words, loosen up a bit and just be yourself. If someone gives you a hard time about being quiet, gently remind them that there are worse qualities out there, and perhaps they themselves have a few of them.

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