
How can northpole workshops better respond to shiftz in demand?

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How can northpole workshops better respond to shiftz in demand?




  1. I think that Santa could start by accepting more foreign nationals and elves into his workforce. Also, he could listen to the Elfish labor unions. Would it really hurt him- a magical bearded man who can do just about anything (including traversing the world faster than the speed of light) to pay his little helpers just a bit more? Further, he needs to modernize his manufacturing equipment and distribution methods. Magical sleigh? Reindeer? Traditional workshops with a little bit of magic? Please. Wall Street has been pushing for a mechanized north pole for literally centuries now, but we have yet to see Saint Nick change anything.

    Let's have this be a wake-up call.

  2. i dont know

  3. The elves should be encouraged to have children, thereby increasing the number of workers to meet the demand.

  4. You mean Santa and the elves? Well Santa has his ear to the ground, so to speak , and he already knows what the good little boys and girls would like for their Christmas presents. He and the elves are busy right now adjusting the parameters and redefining the balance of new fangled toys and the age-old traditional ones. Don't worry, Little One, your request will be granted.

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