
How can oil compnanies justify there polution of the Earth ?

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besides our demand of oil and other fossil fuels.




  1. Oil company's contribution to the sea is about 3%.  Most is natural leakage.  YOU, me, your friends and the rest of the people on this planet are next on the list of polluters (see reference).  Perhaps if we pumped more of the oil out of the earth, the planet would not leak as much and the seas would be much cleaner!!!!

  2. When the guy says "pollution of the Earth" I'm sure he means 'pollution by combustion products from oil' rather than 'direct pollution by the oil itself.'


  3. right or wrong, those ******* have made it all legal to put money before ethics. It's legal, so that's all they require to justify it.

    Jackson Browne:

    "do people really spend millions upon millions, to make us think they care about the planet?

    while at the same time polluting, and looting the only world we've got, so they can maximize their profits....people do"

    and the more we see, the less we do.

  4. They cannot. Nor can they justify the increases in price when there has been no negative effect on supply.

    They cannot justify most of what they do, but that does not and will not stop them. The only way to stop the oil companies is to put them out of business (especially Exxon-Mobile) with alternatives. We will need multiple fuels from multiple industries so that we do not get into the predicament of market control that we have now with the oil companies.

  5. well, the can't morally. but most people just go one unquestioningly gulping down fuel and energy, and they have the money and political clout to essentially do whatever they d**n well please.

    as for the "well if you don't like it, then don't buy it" argument. i'm sure most people would do just that if they could. but since the oil industry essentially owns everything and manages to "get rid" of competitors and creators of alternatives, we're essentially stuck with oil with no other options.

    h**l it seems that most people don't even WANT the destruction to end. there's over a hundred groups now urging people to boycott ExxonMobil at LEAST. but look, Exxon's now the most popular and frequented station

  6. Simple.  We all need energy.  All throughout history, humankind has derived most of it's energy from burning things.  The precedent is well established.

    How do you justify the pollution you create by heating your home or cooking your food?  

    Unless you drive an electric or hydrogen car, and heat and run your home with solar or wind power,  you are just as guilty!  It's only fairly recently that alternatives such as wind and solar have become economically possible.  Still not there yet, but getting close.

  7. You may want to get your facts straight.  Less oil is spilled through drilling than seeps to the surface naturally.  Tell you what,  Why not post a pic here of a dirty drilling site.   Here's one for you to look at, it's a little further down the Alaskan coast from Anwar.

  8. no one forces anyone to buy anything.  If you do no like the products that they produce, then don't spend your money on it.   As for the rest of us, leave us alone.

  9. Oil companies dont really pollute the earth but those of us that use the fossil fuels (guilty) oil or others that dispose of the residue unjustly. And by the way Can we justify the criminal actions of cigarette companies because we buy a product that we know that's bad for us?

    Post that one!

  10. The only pollution from oil companies has come from oil tanker spills delivering it to our shores.  There hasn't been an oil spill from an oil well in the US in nearly 40 years.  We didn't even have any spills when Katrina hit New Orleans.

    If we were allowed to drill more domestically there would be less pollution since the oil rigs are very eco-friendly.  I know someone who works at one.  The sea life love them.

    Someone mentioned stopping our use of oil.  Did you know that if we quit driving cars we'd still import 5 million barrels a day?  

    That's because we use oil in everything we make these days, from cosmetics to tires to plastics to clothing and shoes.

    Bottom line, we can never get off of oil.  It's a necessity like water.  We're drilling very environmentally conscious in the US these days.  I'd rather we drill than take a chance on the horrible standards done in other countries.  In Africa for instance they have spills and explosions all the time.  By us not drilling safely at home we are forcing oil to be drilled in less safe ways around the world.

  11. All fuels pollute when burned. The only way to not pollute is to not produce any kind of energy. Which means we'd all be living in caves or holes in the ground, planting crops by hand, and having an average life-span of maybe 30 years. The production and use of fossil fuels is the only currently feasible way to run a civilization. If you're so damned worried about it, go live in the woods. Your computer is made of oil, your car is made of and runs on oil, your lights come from some fossil fuel or other. You are just as guilty as any oil company, so STFU.

  12. Believe it or not but actually coal is the main polluting fuel on this planet.

    Coal contains much more impurities thant oil which is generally refined before being used.

    Coal contains among other sulfurs, heavy metals, radioactive elements, and other dusts.

    Due to the very high combustion temperature, coal also produces a maximum of nitrous oxyde pollution.

    Coal is the power behind China´s dirty growth.

  13. We demand it. So they pollute the planet to give us our energy. If we had an alternative, and we all agreed to use it, the world would be a cleaner safer place.  

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