
How can one COOK a PEAR?

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I know people cook apples on the skillet and add cinnamon to them but I'm not sure how they do that. I was wondering if this could be done with pears and how?




  1. Hockey Chick

    is close to the best way for poaching the pears. It would be a bit more refined, or classy if you were to use her method, but you poach it in port wine. Then reduce the poaching liquid to a syrup and serve that as the sauce over the ice cream. Nice on a summer night...

  2. there are a number of ways the best is to poach it in a sauce pan with 1 cup sugar dissolved in  just enough water to cover ,almost to the stem, when pear is standing on its bottom and cinnamon to taste. dont boil just simmer very gently til you can easily insert and remove a  paring knife  in the side

    for  halves or canned drain place cut side down  in a square baking pan with about 2 tbsp of butter or marg melted in it mixed with 1/2 can of pear juice then spinkle with 1 cup brown sugar and cinnamon(to taste bake at 375 until tender and syrup is thickened

  3. it is called poaching a pear. it involves putting the pear in boiling water until reasonably soft, then stuffing with sugar and cinnamon and sometimes raisins (look up a recipe) then finish off by baking and serve with a simple syrup reduction and ice cream... ENJOY

  4. boild a pear in coke untill all coke evaporates and ur left with sugar and pears. Completly submerge pear

  5. pear soup is delicious.

  6. Put it in the microwave.

    When it explodes... you

    no it's ready.

    It's 1:45am and I want a ice-pop!

  7. Steam it very lightly.  

  8. Here's the simple way to fry a pear...

    2 pears

    2 1/2 tbsp butter

    1/4 tsp nutmeg

    1/2 tsp cinnamon

    1 tbsp brown sugar

    Mix all ingredients except pears in a small saucepan and heat on med-low until butter melts.

    Chop pears into cubes (about 1/2" to 3/4"), then add to the pan and stir until all the pieces are coated.

    Cover and reduce heat to Low. Cook covered for about 12 to 15 minutes, or until pears are desired softness.

    Yummy at breakfast or anytime. :)

  9. Candy it using pears sugar and boiling water

  10. start fire put on a skillet enjoy

    bon appetit.

  11.  or your nearest COOKBOOK

  12. There's a dessert from Spain where you peel and core the pears then slice them. Boil them in a sugar water mix and add a few cinnamon sticks. Cook them till tender and serve.

  13. put it in the oven for a few minuts

  14. you can also slice a pear & cook it in a skillet just like an apple.  butter the skillet first, add pears, then squeeze a little lemon juice & sprinkle a little brown sugar.  cook until syrupy sweet...not the healthiest treat but, yummy!

    btw...asian pears work best

  15. yeah just grill it on your pan

  16. marinate it in syrup for 2 hours then saute it in olive oil. it's SO GOOD! THIS ISN'T A JOKE!!

    hope i helped : ]

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