I saw a question just like this, and the responses that admonished not to do it at home. Here's what I just went through five days ago (and a year ago, too): My beloved Boxer suffered a heart attack around midnight less than a week ago. I called our local vet and had to BEG him to meet me at his office. He gave her an aspirin and another pill for her heart. When I asked him to stick around a little while to better assess her, he responded, "I have to get up in the morning." I took her home, and she began writhing in agony and crying. Finally that ceased and I thought she might be okay. I called the vet the next day to say she was panting (usually indicative of pain). He told me that was good...she was "oxygenating." Finally early the next morning she again began writhing in extreme pain and crying. I knew from my experience with this vet he wouldn't meet me at his office. The only other vet was out of town. This beautiful little dog suffered the most agonizing death imaginable. I considered shooting her or suffocating her, but couldn't bring myself to do it because it seemed like a betrayal. Something similar happened with an old dog last year, too. The closet vet other than these is 30 miles away, which would necessitate subjecting the dog to more discomfort and stress. I need to find a way to gently put them to sleep at home so that no other dog will have to suffer this way....and neither will I.