
How can one adopt a child in foster care who is not a family member?

by Guest45379  |  earlier

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I am 19 years old have a question regarding my 2-year-old nephew. I feel like there is nothing I can do to help and the situation my nephew is in is pretty bad. About 2 months ago he was put in foster care because my sister neglected him. My mother finally got temporary custody of him, but nothing is final until my sister is able to prove to the court that she can take care of her son and she has six months to do so. This will not happen because she has done nothing to help herself.

Hopefully, my Mom will get legal custody since she is a fmaily member. I am trying to arrange for my good family friends to eventually adopt Sean because he will finally be in a good place. They are willing to adopt Sean, but it is very difficult because child services wants him to go to a family member first. If my Mom were to gain legal custody, is it possible for the family to adopt him?




  1. Yes it is possible.  And it happens all the time.

    One of my friends had his son taken from him by his barren sister.  The guy has been messed up most of his life, but he's got a good heart and wouldn't hurt anyone.  He got involved in some drug trafficing to make money and went to prision.  His own sister got a restraining order after getting custody and he is not allowed to see his own son.  Its horrible.

    If you do this, please make sure that the Mom is able to see her child.  Obviously you don't want to endanger then child.  But even if the mom is messed up, you should encourage a relationship.

  2. Yes, but it is a long process anyways. First the child needs to be on a stable house, then the family that is interested in the child needs to meet the court requirements. If your mom get custody it does not mean that the court will stop the adoption process. The family that meets the requirements for the court will have to go through a lot to prove the court that the child will be safe, stable and loved.

  3. Your friends would have to go to the office where he's being placed, attend their courses, get approved as a foster and/or adoptive household, and then, once they get approved, they could request custody of him since he's a family friend, but there's no guarantee.  If your sister is willing to sign over her parental rights, then it may be legal to go ahead with the adoption.  Also, your mother could adopt him from the state, then adopt him out to the family friend, however, this would be pretty traumatic.

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