
How can one be so happy with adoption as it is now practiced?

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Explain to me Masha Allen who was adopted by Matthew Mancuso, a pedophile. Jeannene Smith, the adoption facilitator, went before a congressional committee hearing and did not get put into jail. Explain to me why there are more and more cases of pedophiles being allowed to adopt. Explain to me why natural parents rights are being violated consistently. Explain to me why adoptees still don't have access to their own OBCs. You expect me to be happy with this kind of stuff. Sorry am not going there anymore.




  1. Americans hide from the truth because most are too busy farting rainbows about adoption.  The drug of choice for Americans is the "happy ending".

    Why are pediophiles allowed to adopt?  They have the money to purchase their child s*x slaves and the adoption industry in the US is unregulated.  Why would like the likes of Jeannene Smith dig too deeply into the qualifications of her customer when he is waving cash under her greedy "facilitating" nose?

  2. No one expects anyone to be happy about this stuff, and wants it to change.  You cannot link all adoptive parents in with these instances but we can use them for adoption change.  To paint all adoption issues as these woudl be similiar to saying that bio parents who kill and abuse their children are an example of why all kids should be taken from their parents.  It just doesn't work that way.  There is no broad paint brush to cover all adoption either for or against.  

    As for natural parents rights being violated, I still am not understanding, where are the violated rights if they are choosing adoption as their plan?  Or in our case where are their rights when they have neglected their children?  

    As said on various portions of YA the most important voice is that of the children.

    ETA Bizzie:  There is more (or here in Canada there is mroe) to a homestudy than psychological testing, you have five references, full medical records, full police records, long painful interviews, record checks of your invovlement in child services, 60 hours of classes and more.  I am not say;ing it is perfect, but just wanted to clarify the process is not, at least here, an easy pass.

  3. What rights of birth parents? They lose their rights when they sign the adoption papers. They are no longer "Parents" of that child. If they want to make sure the baby is going to a safe home they can do background checks on the couple or individual that wants to adopt. They cost as little as $75. There are states that are considering opening up sealed adoption was in the papers a week or so ago.

  4. Who is Marsha Allen?

  5. It is very rare for a biological father to molest his children, it happens but not that much. Most prisoners do not have a father that lived in the home in which they were raised.

    It is very lucrative for a wife to sell out the institution of marriage, for the profit that results. Just look at John Macarthy.  The divorce industry makes a killing, and it is not just the wife. Most child abuse happens when a marriage is no longer intact.

    Both natural parents are very importiant to the development of a child. For example, if a child falls on the playground the mother is most likely to comfort and soothe the child, that is maternal instincts. The father is most likely to say something stupid like get up and do it again. A mothers love pulls inward. The father's love pushes away but in what direction? Upward. The condition of mankind is not like that of the animals.

    In nature the mother nearly always raises the young. With humans it is the father that is the head of the household, provider and protector. I have studied this and very few women are looking to be a protector,  provider and head of the household, despite equal rights for women and all that.

  6. When I see Rosie and her Companion of the month "Adopting" another child I wonder what the people doing the home study are thinking. Children are used as pawns and as Playthings.....there is comfort in knowing there is a special place in h**l for anyone who would harm a child.Actually Christ is quoted as saying that Better a millstone be placed around their neck and then they be cast into the waters for anyone who would harm a child

  7. I have AP friends who tell me that even though it's a lengthy process, people who shouldn't be allowed to adopt could easily fake their way through.  Even though there are abusive adopters and abusive bio parents, because adopters are supposed to be approved, there is an expectation that abusers, alcoholics, pedophiles and the like won't get through.  Of course, that's not the way it is, and it's not rare, either.  

    I think the reason why there are people who don't want to admit that this is a reality is because they know that the non-qualified shouldn't get through.  It's terrible to think that they readily can.  Does that mean we have to dump adoption completely?  No.  But it does mean that there is a need for it to be improved greatly.

    As far as OBC access, well I'm a broken record on that one, but I don't care.  That record needs to be heard.  Biological parents have no say in whether or not OBC's are sealed.  Again, biological parents have no say in whether or not OBC's are sealed.  

    OBC's are NOT sealed when parents give up their children for adoption.  Again, OBC's are NOT sealed when parents give up their children for adoption.  OBC's ONLY SEAL IF AND WHEN AN ADOPTION FINALIZES IN THE COURT.  

    Sealing OBC's is about the adoption, not the relinquishment.  

    We see how bio parents are viewed and how the way they are viewed changes depending on which side of the birth they are -- before the birth or after the birth.  Before the birth they are selfless and wonderful.  After the birth, they are crack addicts and w***e for having s*x.  I'll bet no one else but "birthmothers" ever had s*x before marriage, right?  Did you really think they'd seal the OBC for the bio parent?  Get real.

    Adopted citizens are the only citizens denied the basic right to their own birth certificates in 44 states.  Six states  do not discriminate against adopted citizens.  People given up by their parents for adoption, but not adopted, keep their birth certificates -- they aren't sealed.  These people don't get amended ones.  Why, then, is the act of adoption an act that takes this right from people?

    Why are people happy with adoption as it is now practiced?  I have no idea.  Perhaps they aren't so very interested in how it plays out for the adopted person.  Perhaps their only concern is that "a family is formed."  Does it matter if it's a good family or not?  Some people can never accept that all adoptive families aren't good.  That would somehow make the loss of the original family less worth it.

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