
How can one become freelance journalist for the world's major newspapers and magazines?

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Reviewing and giving feedback over the latest political events happening all around the world. Can the major newspapers or magazines sponsor such freelance journalists for their tour expenses for the purpose of writing on current issues?




  1. Getting a degree in journalism would be a good place to start.  The major papers have the best freelance journalists already.

    If you want to be one of them you must start small and be a journalist for your local paper for years while you continually apply for jobs at bigger and bigger newspapers.

    Of course, during all those years you won't be able to fall in love, get married and have a family because then you won't want to leave all that to travel the world as a freelance journalist.  You must explore the opportunity costs of such a career.  What are you willing to give up in order to be that journalist?

    It will take years for you to achieve the skill and experience needed to be hired by the major news media.  By then the guys doing it now will have retired or been killed doing their jobs and you might just find an opening to apply for.

    Mostly, though, in order to work for the big guns you have to be GOOD and you have to be committed. The only way to prove your commitment is to start now and keep at it, even if it means working in the mail room just to get your foot in the door of a news magazine or newspaper.

    If you live in a small town and you local paper has no work for you then you shall have to move.  Another opportunity cost.

    It might be a good idea to read some autobiographies of journalists such as Dan Rather and others who have written them.

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