
How can one get rid of a spirit in their home, and can it hurt you?

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There is a dark figure in our home -- it is just me (18) and my mother living here. It has only been here a few weeks (that we've seen) and we've lived here for 5 years. I wasn't afraid of it because I hadn't thought it was "evil."

But my mom swears that it slapped her last night, so is there a way we can get rid of it?

Two people in our family have died in the past month, but neither of them would hurt one of us.

Also, it's believed that a man committed suicide here years ago. But we don't understand why this is happening just now, if we've lived here for 5 years already.

Can it hurt us? Thank you in advance.




  1. You have faith in God. you pray about it, and you tell it to get out.

  2. Well, there's no such thing as a demonic spirit, I know that. They shouldn't be able to touch you, bu they definitely won't hurt you either. What your mother felt was probably her imagination, even if this spirit is real. The two deaths would have nothing to do with this either, as ghosts can not kill people.

  3. By owning the house, you have the authority to command it to leave. You might have to tell it to get out as many as three times before it does, and as you ask it more, change it from polite but insistent to angry, assertive, and commanding. By the third time it should be gone.

  4. it won't hurt you. if you do want to go away, smudge sage all over your house ans tell it to go towards the light, it no longer belong here. hope that helps you!

  5. well spirits cant kill you actually but they are annoying

  6. Yes...if he still wants to get revenge...your mom could look like someone he used to know.When spirits have not yet crossed over,they are often very confused and don't know that they're dead.

    You say this guy took his own life,and I think he's still out for revenge.Do some research on him,and see if you can tack down his family.Then invite them over and see what happens.Kinda strange I know if you barely even know them and on these grounds...but try it.You have to sort of become a "ghost whisperer"If he shows up,then tell them that he's there and that it's time to say goodbye.

    Maybe he has only just nowshowed up because this is arund the time he died.Have any clocks stopped working,and if so,what does the time say? Check the attic for something he may have left behind,but please take your mom with you,and bring extra batteries for flashlights.To see if he's ther,take a candle and light it,if it blows out,then he's probably there,if notthe maybe he's not.

    I hope that works.

    If he really is evil,then make sure you have lots of religious symbols in your house,like a cross.

    Keep one under your pillow,above your bed,near your mirror(in case he shows himself in the mirror),in your mom's room,in the kictchen,the bathrooms,and anywhere I forgot to mention.Get a preist to come and bless your house.

  7. To answer your question: (1) don't believe in it (discussed more below); and (2) no.

    The "dark figure" you sensed is probably nothing more than the power of suggestion -- you've already convinced yourself that a spirit is in the house, so now any trick of vision or unexplained shadow is grabbing your attention whereas it hadn't before. If you're seeing dark shadows in corners, you should remind yourself that dark shadows are commonly found in corners. Stay rational.

    Regarding your mom thinking she was slapped -- is she sure she wasn't dreaming? It's VERY commonplace that people have a dream just before they wake and then have difficulty separating the dream from the reality. I know it's happened to me. There's nothing mysterious about this, it's well known. In fact, people who experience a kind of dream called "sleep paralysis" have vivid, disturbing dreams and very often recall it later as having actually happened. It's very possible your mom dreamed she was slapped and can't remember now if it was a dream or if it was real.

    Secondly, muscle spasms can sometimes feel exactly like you're being touched or pushed, and I've experienced that as well. Is she exaggerating a slap from something that may have been just a muscle spasm?

    Rest assured that spirits cannot hurt you. In fact, there is no evidence that they even exist in the first place.

    If you want to "get rid of the spirit", you need to stop believing in it. Realize it's just your imagination working overtime and that whatever you've seen or heard has a natural explanation. Be wary of relying on paranormal investigators or exorcisms. It's no better to get a investigator or exorciser and replace your fear of the paranormal with someone else's own arbitrary ideas of the paranormal. That's not a long term solution for solving your problem. You're just trading one bad idea for another. The only way it could help you is by the power of suggestion -- you believe the exorcism works, so you stop looking for signs of demons. The trouble is that when you slip and start believing demons are haunting you again, you're back to where you started. This is why exorcisms and so forth really don't seem to work for most folks.

    The long term solution is understanding the world around you. Humans have been doing that for centuries using a certain method -- the Scientific Method.  Be rational, be objective, be inquisitive, and you'll understand what you're really seeing and hearing, and you'll have no need to rely on some person's arbitrary fantasy about spirits and what they supposedly do. You'll know better.

  8. get in touch with your local paranormal research society on the net.

  9. Obviously, you are seeing something in your house.  Nobody is going to be able to tell you exactly what it is unless they come and examine the situation themselves.  There is some information that might help you to cope.

    -  First, if this is an entity of some sort, it is gaining the ability to manifest itself visibly due to energies that it is absorbing from you and your mother.  It gets this energy from the attention you give it.  If you talk to it, look at it, think about it, or acknowledge it, it can become stronger and it will stick around.  Fear in particular will feed a malevolent spirit, so realize that it cannot hurt you unless you empower it.

    -  If this is a spirit of a passed loved one, it's not going to try to hurt you and there's nothing to fear.  If this is a spirit that has parasitic properties or bad intentions, ignoring it will cut off it's energy supplies and it will leave.

    -  There are people, mediums, who can help to communicate with these spirits, but legitimate practitioners are very difficult to come by.  There are many charletons who claim to have the ability, but are just trying to take your money.  Most legitimate mediums don't take money for their work, but that's not a hard and fast rule.

    Keep your head on straight and don't let something like this scare you.  Good luck!

  10. Ask it to leave - or call a priest

    and no they wont hurt you...

    also it could be a family member watching over.. its not common to feel them around you...  may be creepy but not on common by any means

  11. well I had the same problem I lived in a house for 6 years and on the fourth year i think in june it started showing up and I was scared to death because i lived there by myself and none of my family lived near me. like it would shove me and pinch me it would move things and throw things.  but after a while i just ignored it and i guess it just went away.

    and It wont hurt you

  12. There are two posibilities. It is a lost soul in need of attaining heaven.

    In that case, prayer will help.

    Eternal rest, grant unto them (him/her), Oh Lord. Your perpetual light shine upon them (him/her).

    The other possibility is that it's demonic. In that case you'll need sacramentals. Blessed salt. Holy water. Both can be difficult to obtain since we think we've outgrown them. Very few churches these days have big containers at the front of the church to refill from. Kosher salt bought from a grocery store may do. Since Kosher is ritually pure.

    These types of things (demons) detest laughter and love. The best thing you can do - without sacramentals - is rent comedy films. Don't be afraid of it. Laugh. Love one another. Enjoy yourselves.

    There are a number of things that can stir up such activity. A hormonal teen. Changing the house. Even disruption of ley lines at a distance FROM your home if that ley line travels beneath your home.

    Feel free to write me. I am happy to help.

    Um, for the friend with the cousin... Priests do not perform exorcisms on houses to get rid of ghosts. It is a long process to provide evidence of a demonic infestation. THEN you get an exorcism.

    For more information on this type of situation check out The Demonologist - which is about cases handled by Ed and Lorraine Warren.

    Mass for the Dead may be said to release a soul trapped in this realm. But you need a name.

    The above mentioned prayer will work without a name.

    Can it hurt you? That depends. A ghost has no power. However if this is amplified by a hormonal teen, the teen becomes a physical medium. That is to say they lend their excess energy to the ghost. Which gives it the ability to move things. In rare cases, slap or shove someone.

    If it's demonic they have been known to shove people, levitate people, choke people. They do not need mediums to gain power. They're pretty energetic already.

    That energy is readily drained by laughter and love.

    PS: even if you're not christian, St. Benedict medals will protect you. Especially if it's demonic. Jubilee medal is a mini-exorcism. It's best to have them blessed. You can pick up little aluminum medals at any Catholic store, dirt cheap. Then go to a Catholic church on a Sunday. After mass, the priest will be standing out in front of the church in his robes saying good bye to people. Just walk up, say "Hello Father" then ask him to bless the medals for you. Be sure to shake his hand and thank him.

  13. Shadow demons are real, and I seldom hear of them physically attacking people, they are dangerous. They are parasitic demons. Some people will tell you that they are harmless, or that they are illusions only seen in the periferal vision.

    One thing to remember is that they were never human.

    Dead people do not roam the earth, this doesnt happen.

    These creatures, although they may not seem it, are far better equipped for battles, physically and mentally than any people. So be cautious, but not scared, because they want you to be scared.

    Pray to God, and ask for protection. That is your best bet. Learn the 10 commandments and refrain from any sin. Most people sin on a daily basis, and dont realize it. They are attracted to that like flies to honey. It gives them motivation to be around.

    Shadow demons are not restrained to location. If they have no reason to stick around, they will leave.

    Hope that helps.

  14. It could hurt you but it's not likely to. You can tell the spirit to leave, that it's not welcome there, and you could say a prayer to help it go.

  15. ^ Spirits that are earthbound, are usually here because they have unfinished business or they don't know they have passed. They are usually only violent in movies.

    According to renowned  psychic Sylvia Brown, all you have to do is tell them they are dead  and to go towards the light and to go in peace. I hope this helps.

  16. Pray to your Divine Guardian Angel for help. We all have them, we don't realize how important our lives are. Pray to a higher power to help the shadow, don't try to force it because the practice of domination is the practice of evil.

    Take this as a wonderful gift. You now know there is life after death. You now know that you have a soul which will continue after you die. Avoid sin, pray for spiritual guidance. Read religious documents such as the bible.

    Be blessed.

  17. First thing that you want to do is do not dismiss this as nothing and ignore it thinking it isn't something you should be concerned about. It if evident you are scared and the last thing you need is for someone telling you it is all in your head or for someone to make excuses and if you ignore it then it will go away.

    True enough many things can be mistaken as paranormal that isn't paranormal at all but when your or someone in the house is being attacked there is a very big concern. No dream and not normal body reaction is going to make someone feel like they were slapped.

    If what your saying is true and has happened like you said there is things you can do. One a paranormal investigation will not help at this point. The dark figure has already manifested itself to show some physical contact and all a paranormal investigator can do is confirm you have activity. i know this for fact because I have done it for over 30 years. what you need to know is what is happening is a demonic haunting which is something bad as it intends to hurt.

    It starts out small like a slap and builds as it gets stronger. It begins simple through low energy fields then works off living humans to get strong. It can do this through fear. the more scared you get the stronger it will become. what you want to do is keep it from doing that. When we have seen this in the past we call in a priest to come and bless the house and the people who live there and we have seen it work many times over. You do not need to tell them you have a spirit just that you want your home blessed and that should do the trick.

    The reason this is happening to you, no one knows and most likely never will but the truth is they do happen and if you want to end it then you need a priest. We are talking about something that does what it does when it wants to. this is the main reason science will never have it's proof, because no one can make it happen when they want it to. The only truth you will find is when you experience it and that will be when those who do not believe will finally believe.

    When your seeking answers a paranormal and a skeptic are great resources to look to to find out what can be explained away but when it becomes violent it is time to put down the equipment and turn to a stronger power and although prayer has proven to be powerful you need something stronger and that my friend is faith and this kind of faith priest have plenty of.

    best of luck

  18. My Cousin is a Paranormal Investigator-- Dennis Hauck, and I have learned that if you want to get rid of a spirit your best bet is to call a priest to perform an exorcism. They can hurt you (I'm not saying they will) while the exorcism is taking place, but after it's over, you will experience no more paranormal activity in your home. If you are pretty sure that this is not a dangerous spirit and you think you can perform and exorcism yourself, you can read up on how to do one yourself. If you want to know what the spirit wants and if it's evil, get a Ouija Board and hold a seance. But be careful, Ouija Boards are known to sometimes cause Possessions. Good Luck and God Bless!

    about exorcisms:

    about Ouija Boards:

  19. Try playing some really annoying religious church music. Of course it might be some dead religious fanatic too.

  20. Wowww. That's a interesting story.

    Call a priest.



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