
How can one get rid of possums that have been multiplying in the backyard?

by Guest31612  |  earlier

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How can one get rid of possums that have been multiplying in the backyard?




  1. well we live in the uk and had the problem with the grey squirrels, so i purchased a good quality air rifle, it took some time to start shooting them, as it was against my nature but i did shoot some, and now it is my favourite pastime

  2. cats are good investments for rodent problems...

  3. or put down pine oil and watch the critters disappear..

  4. Eliminate their food source.  They are probably eating grubs in your lawn.  Have you noticed any digging?

    Otherwise you van trap and remove them.

  5. check with your local animal control services they may have traps that you can use for a small deposit, and will pick up the trapped animals. I live in south Texas and possums are a big problem. rabies carriers among other things. I've bought my own trap I got it at a hardware store for less than $10 and put a cheap can of cat food in for bait.  

  6. Why---are they breaking into your house?  They are nocternal----just live and let live.  The young will get up and leave soon.

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