
How can one learn surfing?

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How can one learn surfing?




  1. Find someone who surfs and pick their brain about surfing.

    There are many things that you pick up as you are learning to surf, but if you have an idea of what to expect and what to do you are way ahead of the game.

    Unless you are just exceptionally well coordinated and balanced the surf board is going to seem like your worst enemy.  It is going to go every way but the way you want it to and smack you every chance it gets.  This will take place for a while until you get the hang of it.

    The people you see surfing didn't just go rent a surf board and go out and start surfing.  It takes a good bit of time and effort before you can surf.

  2. well be careful but the main way to learn is to surf with other surfers watch what they do then go off a little ways so if u wipe out ur board wont hit other ppl make sure to pay attention to the lifeguard warnings

  3. First off you'll need patiences, dedication, and a fit body. if you know someone that surfs ask them to take you out, if you dont than i suggest look for surf schools dont try and paddle out by yourself just because you read instructions on the internet on "how to surf"

  4. You can buy videos or books that try to teach you how to do pop-ups on the board and stuff like that, I personally think the best way to learn would be to take a surfing lesson.  If you live near a beach or go to one on a vacation, a lot of surfshops offer lessons, I think they cost about $50.

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