
How can one of the most protected and highly guarded buildings in the world not have footage of plane crash?

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How can one of the most highly protected and highly guarded buildings in the world not have any footage of plane crashing into it? How can a plane crash into the pentagon and no footage from security camera's exist except for some bits of frames showing part of the explosion? I'm not conspiracy-accusing but who else thinks this is highly unusual?




  1. There was a gas station nearby that had cameras.  The FBI came and took the footage away.

    And for all those conspiracy theorists that think there was no plane and that a "missile" hit the Pentagon, read these eyewitness accounts:

    Also, check out this page, which contains actual pictures of parts of the crashed plane:

  2. There would have been some footage of the plane crashing but might not've been released for public due to some reason or other...

  3. So if there's no film it didn't happen?

  4. At the time of construction, planes were not big enough to do the kind of damage that was done on 9/11!

  5. The reports initially stated that the cameras at that particular part of the Pentagon had no tapes running.  Later they said there were tapes but that they were secret.  Now it's being said that four frames (at 1 frame per second) has been released and, apparently shows little of anything.  Which are the lies and which are the truths?  I guess we're meant to never really know anything.

    After five years anything given out should be suspect as to its reliability.  Since they lied in the beginning whose to say they aren't still lying with manufactured 'proof'?

  6. Just luck it wasn't filmed, I guess

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