
How can one say that Obama is new to politics and there for not corrupt and a better choice for President?

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And then down another candidate for Picking a new Comer to State politics?

I don't get it, can someone please explain the exception to me?




  1. that is because he is too immature for this job. anyone who opposes him is an automatic racist because he draws out his racial card.he promises to bring back pride to American,but will or cannot tell us how.he promises changes to rescue America and the world from all the bad things.this man has a smile,he knows what he is doing ,you don't and and he is going to surprise everyone.This man is downright scary and many are buying his lies as changes, that's all, changes. To what I ask??

  2. One can say anything they wish, regardless of whether or not it's fact or fiction. Take a look at your list of questions for some examples of this.

  3. I would not say that, he had a land deal in Chicago with a corrupt slum-lord.  Receiving a house in an exclusive area of town for only $300k, the slum-lord paid the rest.  Not a good start for someone that has not been in Washington very long.  

  4. palin has been in politics since the early 90's...also, what is important is that palin is not running for president, obama is. additionally, she has MUCH MUCH more experience than obama...the only thing he is experienced at is running his big cheesy mouth all day.

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