
How can our child go to college when we make "too much money" to qualify for grants and our credit is poor?

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How can our child go to college when we make "too much money" to qualify for grants and our credit is poor?




  1. Have you applied for FA? Even if you do make "too much money", they usually give some money, even if it's only enough to pay for books. And they are EXPENSIVE, I know b/c I have to pay $150.00 for a Buisness Stats book.  You might also want to consider sending the child to a community college which is noticably less expensive, (2,000 compared to 6,000 for a 4 yr) until the child can apply for FA on their own. You might also try scholarships and federal grants. Here are some websites that might help you. Good Luck!!!

  2. Most folks don't qualify for grants, so the option for your child is federal student loans.  Unsubsidized Stafford loans can be taken out by your child without a credit check and without a cosigner.  The max they can borrow as a fresh is 3,500.  

    Your child needs to apply for merit scholarships, get good ACT/SAT scores and a good GPA they could qualify.  I'm attaching a good book about fin aid and the different kinds and the max amounts you can get.

    Good luck for your kid.

  3. They may have to wait until they can apply for the grants themselves after they are no longer claimed on your income tax. Meanwhile pay for a class at a time at the community college-thats what I did and work.

  4. I assume your child has submitted a fafsa application?   Even if you dont qualify for grants your child may be offered work study and federal student loans.  fed student loans have good terms and are not dependent on credit scores.  If he/she has not applied to FAFSA, get moving!! that is your best way to get money for college

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