
How can our church initiate a feeding program for street children?

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our year's theme is pursuing Lord's commission and in accordance with this, we would like to share God's blessing to street children and/or orphans. but i have no idea where to start and which agency to contact. please help me!




  1. Contact your local child welfare agency.

    1) Any children that are not runaways or avoiding the system should be in thier care anyway.

    2) They will know how to find the kids not in thier care and how to convince them that your food offering is not a trap.

    You mention that this is your "theme" for this year.  I hope that once you start this program, you don't end it.

  2. Contact your local Food Bank.  Look at to get hat information.

    The Food Bank works with hundreds of organizations in your area to get food to just the people you want to help.

    From experience, I can say that it is much easier to collaborate and support and existing project than create a new one that may duplicate services that are already being provided.  Summer is a good time to do this because this is when Food Banks do their summer feeding and Kids Cafe programs to make up for kids not getting nutritious meals at school.

    Good luck and remember working together is always more effective than trying to do it new and on your own!

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