if you don't know Sean's stroy you can read it on the video desciption.
on the 26th March,2006 that afternoon Sean'e mum went to take a rset while Sean played outside. She gave Sean some freedom.I gave him some room to be a normal boy and not having him clinging to me like a mummy's baby." Pauline
Sean's mother Pauline became anxious when Sean didn't return from playing. She asked some teenagers if they had seen him.As night feel his parents became worried. They called the police. When the local police weren't acting quickly enough his parents called the United States State Deparment. After American officials got involved efforts were stepped up to find him. That's when the body of Sean was found on the 28th,March 2006. In an autopsy report it was found that he was raped,beaten and a suger cane stalk pushed up his a**s several times.someone removed his clothing, and plunged a cane stalk into the body of the naked six-year-old, the repeated thrusts puncturing his lungs and damaging his organs.
His death was slow, for he bled to death internally, an autopsy found.
Parents please protect your young ones.