
How can our eyes see everything on this planet?

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How can my eyes see a computer, washer and dryer, bed, tv, car, houses, people, dogs, cats, flies, bees, plants, trees, sky, clouds,.

How can you eyes see everything, plus see the same thing that I see?

What have your eyes have seen in your lifetime?

Is what I am seeing is real, or what are eyes are putting in front of me?




  1. If you dig deep into this, i think you could find that by gaining a greater knowledge and understanding of the people and objects around you, you can, in a sense, see them.

  2. ah. read up on the brain and sight.

    Real is what ever is precieved real by the majority of people.

  3. we can't see what animals see sometimes, some can see infra-red and extreme UV which are above and below our range of visible light.

    there are 17 different kinds of color blindness, in one of the numbers shown I could not decipher the number displayed in the circle filled with I cannot see what you see exactly.

    what you're seeing isn't real, it exists, but it's never the same thing another person sees whether they agree with you on it being red or square, their brain still reacts differently and the reality of the object is in their minds only.

  4. "take the time to close your eyes & look around" ~ Neil Young.

  5. No, you can't see every girls bathing and making love.

  6. your eyes don't see everything on earth. your eyes are light sensors. they detect light, and then for certain wavelengths of light, they give certain colors. light bounces around off of everything, and depending on the object absorb some wavelengths and reflect others. this makes objects look different colors to us. but you don't see radio waves, you don't see infra red, you don't see x-rays, but these are all types of light, but our eyes can't see them just like some sounds are too high pitched for humans to hear.

    but your eyes also don't see heat, or oxygen, or cosmic rays, gravity or anything in then universe that isn't light or doesn't reflect light. so light is necessary for us to see.

    it would be possible that your eyes would instead see light a heat sensitive camera, and ascribed color to temperatures. but it so happens they see light. if it wasn't for the fact that things are different color, or different shades, due to the intensity of light shined on them, we wouldn't be able to see a single thing. so light by it's nature, creating shadow and shade, and being different wavelengths shining on different materials has good properties for beings to develop senses that can see that, because, then we can really see alot of stuff and gather alot of information about it, and the earth is bathed in sunlight half of the time and we sleep for most of the other half.

  7. you actually DO NOT SEE things,

    you see the LIGHT reflected by those objects.

  8. You can observe a lot, just by looking.

  9. This is not a human characteristic. Only God is able to see everything.

  10. There's only One who can see on this scale!

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