
How can our prison systems be so messed up?

by  |  earlier

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So I'm 19 and I just got home from 1 and a half days of lock up in Sacramento County Jail, Ca.

I had no idea what jail was all about till the minute I got their and the guard threatened to break my fingers just before Throwing me on the floor in my cell (When I did not even resist)

They keep you in the drunk tank, with one p**s covered faucet in a room big enough for maybe 8 with 20 people in it. For around 7 hours, then move you to the "Release Cell" Good right? Wrong.

You stay in the release cell for about ohhh...IDK 7 to 13 hours. No AC and no real air conditioning or circulation. laid out the same as the drunk tank but this one has p**s and **** on the walls.

In this cell (after being skipped for breakfast) I was few a lunch of two pieces of stale wheat bread with some kind of petrified peanut butter scoop that was about the size of a golf ball.

After 14 hours of my life without sleep/ food/ clean water (one of the guys that shared my fountain had HIV, FUN!) and being beaten I was let go. Too bad the charges they held me with suddenly ....vanished at my release ( BTW I was charged with...Peeing on some ones door...Which I never did. But when the cop asked me I got mad and fought with him, he took a breathilized I blew a 0.02 and OFF to Sac County Jail I Went.)

So basically they cops can abuse the system when ever they want and toss me in jail...I feel real safe in my own town now....




  1. Listen up,the system is set up for all who come in to stay for a while some people will not like it others keep on coming back ,I have a newphew who is in and out  of lails he is forty-eight years old  for half of his life  that's all he knows,()sad to say but true() It does cost a lots of money to lock some one ,two or three hundreds dollars to just to book them.

  2. I assume you don't want to go to prison again right? Perhaps this was a good thing... Stay clean!

  3. COPS, for as long as I can remember, abuse their authority. You should file a complaint with internal affairs.

  4. I believe you.

    I'm as conservative as they come regarding just about everything, but this is a violation of human rights, as well as the Constitution, in my opinion.

    I urge you and others to check out this writer's page and articles:

  5. Maybe 12 hours a day work details would help, you should keep your nasty mouth shut while in a drunk tank

  6. Well its a place where they keep criminals its not supposed to be fun, nice or accommodating at all.

    From what I read of your little rant the place did its magic. See now your scared s**+tless of doing anything wrong again cuz you know if you do your gonna get put in that place again.

  7. Prison isn't supposed to be a nice place.  The conditions are caused by the turds that you are in there with.  Stay sober and learn to control your anger.

  8. They were trying to scare you straight since you were young and all. But you were only in jail, if you think that's rough you should do some research on prisons. A prison is an environment that permanantly changes your mind for the worse. Creating a violent mindet of human instinct that when released to the general public commits more and more heinous crimes than before.

    ...That's supposed to be a "correctional" facility?

  9. While reading your question, I couldn't help thinking that the conditions there might just convince you to clean up your act so that you never have to return there again. If it had that strong of an impact on you, perhaps you should be looking at the experience as something that will benefit you in the long run.

    Good luck. Keep your nose clean.

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