
How can our troop spend $100.00 from the sale of girl scout cookies doing something with merit?

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girl scout, badges, merit, spend




  1. Find something that you are all  interested in like animals.  From there you can visit your local animal shelter and see what supplies they need.  Shelters always need things like toys and blankets.  You can contact a local pet store or one online and purchase what you want to give.  If you tell them that you are scouts and the items will be donated, they may give you a discounted price or add free items on for you to donate.

  2. well you could just pay the girl member ships nest year or buy badges  but Im thinking you are wanting to do some serive maybe throwing a party for a senor citzens shelter or a group home for DD adults this is my favorat they dont get as many vistors as nursing homes and it would be good for the girls or if youre troop is to young to understnds that you could go to a local animal shelter and bring food and play with the cats or something

  3. crazy as this may sound, try asking your school nurse, they usually know who needs help.  There are an amazing amount of needy people in most every town.  Perhaps a town recreation program offers sports such as softball, basrball, etc.  Some children's parents cannot afford to play.  Good luck and thanks for being a community helper! We need more!

  4. Use the $100 to ship cookies to the troops in Iraq.

  5. Why don't you help some other girls your age who may not be as fortunate as you - in your community or even another country.  As well as helping out you may learn something as well about another group of girls - their country, culture, and their lives.

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