
How can parents have no concern fer thier childrens education?

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A child is going to fail school and the parents blame it on her "disibility" ADD. To me it seems to be a cop out to dismiss getting her a tutor or in taking an active role in her education.

I mean its like, Oh well we got her drugs so whats the problem?




  1. It's easy to understand - parents don't give a rat's a$$ about their kid's education anymore, because they themselves were not held accountable by their parents when they were in school. Now, add all this "political correctness" to the mix, where people can no longer blame parents for the failures of their children, and instead pump them full of drugs. My friend, we are all about to be swept away by the Chinese.

  2. I have noticed that, in general, there are more and more parents who feel like they shouldn't have to be bothered with their child's education because "that's what we send 'em to school for"!  They seem to think that sending their children to school is their only responsibility in thier child's education.  I think this is what is "wrong" with our schools!

  3. my sister has 2 master 1 phd degree

    works with all special needs people. in

    Souther A Z. up bringing causes most

    problems .single moms working 2 jobs

    crack heads, aids, drinking abusive

    parents. both parents working nobody

    to raise child.These things didn't happen

    when mom was home ( thanks Mom )

    dad was the $ maker. gangs credit cards and the american dream are also

    reasons + under paid teachers who

    have no incentives or hope.

  4. As a mom with children on meds I can tell you that the amount of dedication and frustration that comes with parenting some children is not for the faint heart. It will drain the most patient and nurturing parent of everything they hold dear. The longer the child goes w/o diagnosis the more likely you'll see a parent "give up". In my case and in many others I advocated for my child to receive help at school and was told his trouble wasn't severe enough. My child wasn't afraid to get frustrated and cry,yell and scream at home but would never have done that at school. 2 years later I went to an independent evaluation and he was finally getting the help he needs. So cut the parents some slack and reach ou t to some of them they need our support it is extremely difficult to raise "normal" children today so try to image how this is for some parents whose children are experiencing difficulties!

  5. Sometimes it is a cop-out, they can't afford to get a tutor, don't have time to help with homework, or are too drugged out to care.

    But quite often, parents are experiencing denial about a child's true underlying disability and haven't been shown how or helped to deal with it.  Rather than face up to the truth that the child they had high hopes and dreams for really isn't a perfect specimen of humanity, it is easier to say "it's not her fault, she has  _______, and she can't help it that she's failing."

    Yes, there are some parents who need the reality check... they really shouldn't be breeding unless they have signed a parenting contract in blood promising to take an active role in their children's lives.  But for those many more who just don't know what to do next, we should be helping them to obtain the information and support they so desperately need, not blaming them for getting a prescription and sitting back in confusion.

  6. it's sad..

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