
How can people add me like that?

by  |  earlier

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When I was a kid till I was 17, I lived in UK, now I live in USA(I'm american) Anyway I have this hotmail e-mail address which most of my friends knows and I had that since I was 16. And now people I don't know are adding me and the suprising thing is that they are from UK. Here is one of the Conversations I had:

Me: Hi

Me: Who are u?

Him: Owen

Me: Who Owen?

He: My name

Me: Do I know you?

Him: Don't know

Me: How did you get my ad?

Him: Don't know

Me: Why are you so DUMB? You have added me and you don't know how you got my ad

Him: ok

Me: huh?

Then he got offline all of sudden. I believe that he blocked me. And he sounded really dumb and stupid. Before about 6-7 guys had already added me and they doesn't answer so clearly.




  1. people add me like that too, they probably got it from some site where you put it or maybe your friends gave it to them, or maybe just an accident

  2. from bebo or somthing your sined uo to on the internet;...

  3. no idea...

  4. Just decline them or delete them!

  5. it could be a joke? maybe someone is just messing with you.

    he does sound really annoying, just don't talk to him.

  6. Its annoying that, I get it alot. I block them unless they tell me where they know me from or where they've got my email address

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