
How can people be opposed to...?

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s*x education? I mean come on. It's freaking ridiculous. Why can't schools teach about abstinence and contraception. It's better than having teenage girls getting knocked up and getting abortions. Some these right wingers harp about how there are a lot of abortions and we should reduce them,but their only plan in teaching about abstinence. How about teaching them about birth control as well?

How does that promote promiscuity? It's better than having teenagers getting pregnant isn't it?

It's not a left or right thing. It's about common sense. Why can't we teach about both?




  1. I'm torn. Obviously, I know teens are going to have s*x (I did), and I rather they didn't get pregnant or catch STDs, but on the other hand, it seems hypocritical for the government to teach kids below the age of consent how to more safely engage in illegal behavior. I mean, we know they are going to drink alcohol, smoke pot, etc. right? But do the public schools teach them how to do it "safely"? Or are they told to "just say no"?

    I don't really have a problem with it being taught privately, by parents, by private schools, through private seminars, etc.; I'm just not keen on the government talking out of both sides of its mouth.

  2. Exactly right.  But as you can see by the latest Republican example, they aren't really the role models we'd like our kids to follow.

  3. Most are not opposed to s*x education but are against the extreme ones that are really how to have s*x. Peace Sorry you are so wrong. Check out Boulder Co. Thank you

  4. As a Libertarian, I have to say "Amen".  LOL

  5. they do teach both, where i live.

    one without the other just doesn't make sense.

    EDIT:16 girls dropped out of the high school three blocks from my house last year due to unplanned pregnancies.  so it looks like teaching both has done little to help the problem.

    how about parenting classes for adults?  we haven't tried that yet.

  6. It is unfortunate the Republican Party wants to throw this country back into the 19th century. They seem to want to deny that young people are interested in and do have s*x. I would rather they be armed with all possible information. Maybe it would help in making responsible choices.

  7. Although I hate to bring it up, the Bristol Palin situation is exactly what comes from the rights belief in mixing politics with religious fanaticism.

    The biggest difference is that the Palin's can afford to bank roll there daughters mistake when many teenage girls don't have that luxury.

    It makes it alot easier to sit and judge others when your rich but it doesn't address there issues.

  8. In Massachusetts, comprehensive s*x education is taught because our Governor would not submit to abstinence only because he saw it for the farce it is. I took a comprehensive s*x ed class in high school and in junior high. It did not promote s*x. It promoted knowledge and making an informed decision. Knowledge is power. Nurses taught the class. It was fine. We didn't have many if any teenage pregnancies. I don't think there was anyone in my class that had a baby in school. We had over 200 students in my class alone.

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