
How can people be so cold and still face themselves?

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vaush..i can relate to this.......please continue




  1. Some are sicker the others.

  2. People rarely if ever really face themselves, the governments want it that way that is why Pshychology is not taught in secondary schools.

    If you remember from Gladiator, Julius Caeser (who actually was named Macus Aurilius a real life emporer and philosofer in ancient rome) commented that if you control the masses you control the power and it is easier to control a stupid mass than an intellectual one.

    As a result because it is not an instinctive trait like self preservation people dont spontaneously do it.

    If this amazing ability was to become common, then it would be much harder to control the masses as they would begin to think for themselves and would not be as prone to lap up the cockandbull put out by the "news media!", if you can call it that.

    Therefore I think that there are just cold and warm people who usually dont face them selves and jsut live like sheep and wolves in the herd


  3. I don't think those people truly do face themselves.  That is why they are so cold.

  4. Because they don't have a very important thing called a "conscience"

  5. Many reasons people are that way, you may get some ideas here but you aren't going to get an answer, you need to be more specific.

  6. Over development of the ego as a front for our persona's. Mankind is in the process of perfecting disassociation and denial. While guilt and fear are not far behind.

    On the surface it sounds negative and nasty, which it is. If you look behind all of this you will find the real cause, not taking responsibility for our creations, individually as well as collectively. We are smoking and mirroring ourselves into believing it is always someones elses fault, so that we can still look at ourselves.

  7. I think people are cold to protect themselves.  Underneath that harsh exterior is a hurting person.

  8. They probably couldn't see how cold they are and they just get so far up their own bums that the can't see whats infront of them

  9. Being cold is the only way they can face themselves. Selfishness and materialism comes with a high price!!!

    If your cold you can do what ever it takes to obtain what you want. Your question might be backwards and you need to find new people to surround yourself with.

  10. IDK.. you should ask anyone in the republican party. They will know.

  11. Because they are so depress (or at least sad) inside that they want to bring you down to the same emotional state.  That is the state that they see as normal.

  12. This answer doesn't have enough explanation to it... You need to be more specific... there are many ways to be cold... I am a very cold person myself. I feel no compassion towards other people except for my own survival... I feel actually quite accomplished in that aspect. I don't think being cold is a generally bad thing. Some times people only think a person is cold because the other person refuses to acknowledge them or their problems... this comes from this strange phemonena of thousands upon thousands of submissive people populating this world. People must live to think for themselves and their own survival towards themselves and their kin... to an extent.

  13. It's an easy thing for a sociopath, they literally have no conscience.  A person like that can do anything to anyone and face themselves just fine.  One in 25 people are sociopaths - they walk among us, and they have ice water running through their veins.

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