
How can people be so disgustingly rude?

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So I'm over 5 months pregnant and showing VERY well. I've just got off a tram coming up St Kilda Rd which pulled into Domain Interchange. I had been on that tram since the Alfred hospital.

Not ONE person offered me a seat - I was squeezed up against the doors. Not only that - people were swishing me further into the doors. Seated around me were men and young adults - high school kids perhaps.

I used to love Melbourne. You should ALL be ashamed.




  1. **I really sympathise with you there.  Sadly I think it's the way society is going and it's not a good thing.  I was always taught when I was growing up that if there was someone pregnant or the elderly standing up when on public transport, I had to stand up and give them my seat.  Parents obviously don't teach their kids the same kind of things these days and I think that's sad.**

  2. EDIT: LOL ok I forgive you for saying we all should be ashamed...

    Just make sure you raise this child to be courteous of others  :)  But I am sure you will

    hey I wasn't on the tram ...HAD i been it is more than likely that I would have at least offered you my seat ( if you were close enough to me and if i noticed) please don't tell us WE ALL SHOULD BE ASHAMED......

    I remember when I was eight months pregnant .. and I'd get on a train after I finished work ... VERY few people would offer me a seat... and I was MORE annoyed at other females than I was at men and school kids ...BECAUSE you'd think that they would be sympathetic..

    some people are just so wrapped up in their own little words .. they either don't see or don't care about others.

  3. Hey, thats definately pathetic they way that you were treated... but ive noticed that in the City theres more apathetic people than compared to the Country where theres more empathetic people.. if that had happened where i live... it wouldnt have happened, maybe you should rethink the city?? expecially with a kid on the way??

  4. Five month pregnant does not equal disabled, you are as capable of standing as anyone else.

  5. Take it as a compliment.

    Five months gone, and maybe you aren't showing as much as you think.

    Refresh my memory; do the words "Australian" and "courtesy" usually occur in the same sentance?

  6. that is so rude. i am a student and on a daily basis i offer my seat to an adult, whether they are pregnant or not. i would defs offer you my seat :)

  7. During rush hour in Chicago you are lucky to even get a place to stand on some buses.  Count yourself lucky.  I used to ride with people with loud ipods, people with bad breath, body odor, drunks and mental cases, and the drivers are homicidal maniacs too.

  8. SADLY, it seems that people have gotten uncaring and selfish over the past few years.  I am not sure why - some people blame it on feminism, not sure.  I have opened doors for women and gotten a nasty stare.  I have had women open a door for me and I thanked them.

    I am not a kid, I grew up when you offered a seat to a pregnant woman, or an older person or one obviously in distress.

    Maybe people just don't think any more.

    Good luck on your next ride on the tram.

    Blessings on the new baby.

  9. People have lost their sense of common consideration unless they benefit from the situation in some way.It takes tragedy for people to show love for one another,which is why so many bad things happen in this world,so we can show love for one another..sadly it takes that.Sorry about what you went through,I would have offered you my seat.

  10. My 17 yr old son got up for an old man on the train and offered his seat and the old man told him off saying that he didnt need to sit blah blah.....My boy still at 28 married with two kiddies will still stand for someone who he thinks needs a seat. (the old man didnt put him off respect for the human race)  I found also that 9 times out of 10 it is a woman who will offer a seat or help with a pram not a man.  Pros and cons both ways as too many blokes have been told off for offering help also.  Hope you meet some nicer friendlier people on your following journeys.....Sandy.

  11. Not everyone will notice that much at 5 months. You are probably a lot more conscious of it than others are, especially if they are not paying particular attention.

    Yeah, it sucks though.

    Come to Sydney on a Friday afternoon, you'll be running back to Melbourne. People here get so highly strung you think they're going to explode and kill you just because you got in their way when they're trying to rush past. It's utter insanity the bloody minded arrogance of these self absorbed idiots who think they are ten times more important than everyone else in the world.........

    sorry, I see what you mean. It's kind of easy to get carried away isn't it.

    Oh well, if I see you on the train I'll give you my seat. Actually, here, have a virtual seat right now



  12. yes it's rude and is nothing new, it will be worse when you have a baby and pram with you.

  13. Don't you mean that they should be ashamed? we weren't there.

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