
How can people believe McCain?

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He has said it all, and done none of it. He's 72, has a very short temper, continues to follow a failed strategy in a war we should have never started in the first place, and now has a woman in the number 2 position of power. He wallows in pure stupidity, and redundant policies. He's going to need every scrap of luck he can muster, to overcome Obama's climb to the position of President.




  1. not

  2.    What climb?   Obama had an incredible lead in ALL the polls up until his great "dog and pony" show overseas.  Now, MOST Polls show them in a dead heat. How does that equate to "luck".  People are tired of Obama not being held accountable for ALL the questions and issues he continues to avoid.  Even his BIG acceptance speech fell flat with the news media, who are in bed with him, because AGAIN, it was all talk an no substance.  How can he talk "change" when he won't tell anybody HOW ?  McCain could promise a second car to every citizen, but that doesn't mean he could deliver.  Obama has a history of "changing" his positions, issues and breaking his "word".  

  3. Fox News will make them believe McCain.

  4. amen.

  5. Obama is SINKING in the polls if you bother to read....but as far as believability......Obama needs a teleprompter to keep his lies straight.....He said IN HIS BOOK...he WAS a he says he never was.....He said if political winds would change he would stand WITH THE MUSLIMS not the Jews......He WAS all for campaign reform and the taking of the Gov money..then Opts out....

    We can tell when he is lying....HIS LIPS MOVE...

    His own racist Pastor said he will SAY WHAT EVER HE HAS TO SAY TO GET ELECTED......gee such a statement of Honesty......NOT

  6. have you actually seen his short temper? have you read what he does. h**l, have you actually taken a little time to watch him at saddleback with your messiah?

    you would have realized that he is goddamn smart and had i not told you who is who, you would have thought that the guy who is 72 speaks like the 40-yo. and the 47yo one uhhh and ahhhs and speaks as cogently as a 90yo.

  7. McCain's plan for a surge in Iraq was right on the money and it worked.

    Why would you vote for somebody who will destroy our economy and tax the h**l out of us? Just look at how bad the economy has gotten since Dems took control of Congress less than two years ago.

    You want more of that?  

  8. How can people believe in obama If you remember he and obamawere not that far off in the withdrawal!! their strategy was just about the same. This election is not about luck, its about what is best for the USA, obama is very one sided. thats all he has done, work in ghettos, and trying to help HIS people, as this would continue if he is elected, and the rest of us would pay for it!! He allready said he wants billions for world poverty!! and who is gonna pay for this WE ARE!! all ready taxed to the max, like everyone else!! do more research and vote wisely, your future depends on it!!

  9. You don't like women?

  10. The world will look up and shout "SAVE US!"...and John McCain will whisper "no".  

  11. My take on this is as follows:

    1.  McCain is counting on "sympathy votes" for being a former POW.

    2.  McCain is also counting on the older sector of our population who also believe age has nothing to do with this presidency.

    3.  Obama is a minority (not Caucasian), of course McCain will pick another minority, why not a woman, quite unknown, from Alaska even.  He's hoping to garner the female votes.  (not mine)

    He forgets, AGE has alot to do with this election.  The Pres. of US needs to be agile, healthy, strong, and fit.  Smart and quick on his feet is vital.  Afterall, his image and presence is what US will be about as impressions count.

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