
How can people believe in all the Divination bollocks?

by Guest61317  |  earlier

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It makes me blood boil to see some seer opening a shop down me street, occupying space that can be converted to something useful like some shop of some sort.




  1. I agree, but I do believe that some of those practices are very dangerous.  There is a wiccan who opened a shop down-town and she has jars of stuff that supposedly people are supposed to make potions out of.  I'm sorry but its playing with fire and its not something that I want to mess with.  On any ghost hunts I will never conduct seances, use oujia boards, or call on spirits through any type of divination because that's how demons are called on.  They often seem like a harmless spirit at first, but its just deceptive.  there are just some things that people should leave alone, I don't care if they are seers or not.  I have always considered myself rather sensitive to spirits but I will not call on them in any way that might put me or my family in danger.

  2. Sad, very sad that you feel that way. I happen to be a "seer", but I don't do divination. I deal with angels and healing. But I am a "seer".

    Intollerance really saddness my heart. It's stuff like this that is the reason why we have war and hatred and so much death and violence.

    Peace to you, my friend.


    I'm rotflmao that I got such a low rating I got dropped off the list. Thanks. :)

  3. It gives them hope. Sometimes people will pay a lot of money and go to great lengths just to have hope. That's the merchandise that the Psychic Reader is actually selling. I think it's unfortunate too that people are throwing their money away, but it's legal.

    I'd be concerned too if a psychic shop opened up down the street, but for different reasons. They are kind of like tattoo parlors -- I have nothing against tattoos or people who have them, but having a tattoo parlor down the street doesn't do wonders for your home value. Same with psychic reader shops, in my opinion.

  4. Translation:

    ABC:  I hate scam artists.

    Psi:  You're a n**i!

    And of course, people who are skeptical of divination are often also skeptical of god, and atheists were one of the groups sent to concentration camps.  So your insinuation makes no sense whatsoever.

    And yes, I hate scam artists too.  But neither of us think they should be rounded up and shot.  Just stopped from scamming guillable people out of their money.  We're looking out for YOU.

  5. As silly as it is,they offer a service people are willing to pay for.I have a hard time working up sympathy for the saps.

  6. Yes let's round up all the seers and put them in retraining camps and make them study real world stuff like plumbing, electronics, food service, etc, and let's not forget all the Wiccans, Jews, Muslims, Christians, blacks, and women either that is the world you want right?

    You intolerant ignorant (bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep)


  7. I use divination both for objects and to see the background to events and how they can turn out.

    This was a gift I was given.

    I'm an engineer.

    If you go back a few years you will find BT engineers were taught and given devining rods to map underground cables. Now they use a sensitive elecrtomagnetic device instead.

    Drillers looking for water sources for farmers also use it to find underground streams.

    If it works - why knock it?

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