
How can people belive that they evolved from apes or monkeys?

by Guest63807  |  earlier

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look at the human it has a mind , feelings, reasons and emotions how can they be linked to apes are you been fooled by darwin.




  1. There are many who have different ideas of how man came to life.I just saying you see any apes turn into a human.I was always told that God in his own image created man and named him Adam,then put him in a deep sleep ,and took a rib from him and created Eve.Who really knows,do some research and stick with the facts,and there is the answer.

  2. King Kong is no relative of mine!  Neither is Cheeta.

  3. Science does not teach that homo sapiens evolved from apes or monkeys.

    Unfortunately, it is a common belief brought on by the persecution of Darwin (and others) and the theory of evolution.

    Science teaches that homo sapiens and all primates share a common ancestor.

    Do a little research and compare australopithecus, homo erectus, homo sapiens and primates (from the more primitive loris to the more modern great apes).

    On a side note, believing in evolution in no way means you can't believe in God as well.

  4. When people dont want to believe in God, they are willing to believe in anything. They want an excuse to exclude God from their life.

  5. I too don't believe we evolved from present day apes but probably not for the same reasons as you.I do however believe that we did evolve from a less intelligent bipedal primate.Hence the reason no missing link have been found.I do believe that we are closely related to the ape family much in the same way that house cats are related to tigers.Now if you are taking a biblical stand then consider this,bible scholars estimate the age of the Earth to be between 8 and 12 thousand years old.Scientist have proved that the Earth is much older.Look at dinosaurs.They died out 165 million years ago.Or do you not believe that ether.If you truly believe the bible then you cant believe the dinosaur fossils you see in the museums..They must have made them to fool us right?

  6. why do fundamentalists who feel their faith is threatened resort to distorting the evolutionary record or making statements on something they clearly know nothing about?  The ignorance displayed in some of the above answers is appalling and makes me ashamed to be a Christian

    No Scientist has EVER said we evolved from Apes (in the sende you are using it) or Monkeys.  Simply that there is a common ancestor.  You can deny the fossil record as much as you would like, but it comes down to this.  The scientific method relies on observations of phenomena, the development of possible explanations, and the testing of these explanations against all available data.  

    Faith relies on a unfalsifiable appeal to the unobservable.

    Two very different and not neccesarily incompatible worldviews.  Which is why the major Christian faiths (Lutherans, Caltholics, h**l even Baptists) all have issued statement saying that evolutiona nd the bible are not incompatible.  Idiots, go back to your "non-denominational" bible church and dont be suprised when the US is a backwater full of fundamentalists (sound familar) while real knowledge growth and the technology that depends on it is happening elsewhere.  

    If you don't agree with the tenants of evolution, you should stop eating any domesticated animal or plant products and stop using antibiotics as well.  How did corn develop from teosinte?  Human (artifical) selection on variation within a population.  This is the exact same procedure as evolution except the selecting agent is different.

  7. f u dnt knw the apes r the closest to human characteristics at the lower levl they can understand co ordinate and nearly have a similar brain! and since they r lower than us we seem to hav edeveloped from thm

  8. Because they can't believe that all of a sudden  - POOF the humans are here over night.

  9. Seriously? No one answered this correctly yet? Oh wait, one person did.

    The answer is that people generally DON'T believe that humans came from monkeys. People who study evolution sure don't, because evolution does not state that people came from monkeys. It says that people and monkeys are something like cousins. They are similar because they have a shared ancestor.

    Let's make sure we all get this...

    Evolution does not state that people came from monkeys.

    Evolution does not state that people came from monkeys.

    Evolution does not state that people came from monkeys.

    Evolution does not state that people came from monkeys.

    Evolution does not state that people came from monkeys.

    Evolution does not state that people came from monkeys.

    Or apes, for that matter.

  10. Where did we come from?

    Evolution is a thoery. Can anyone prove this statement wrong?

    Faith is real.

    But the real question is where does your faith ly.

    A life of faith in science is a life of many unanswered questions.

    Can anyone prove this statement wrong?

  11. Well Darwin did not say that humans evolved from monkeys. He stated that we have a common ancestor. (most likely Australopithecus.) All animals have feeling, emotions, and a mental process. They are built differently and their genetic memory differs from ours, so, human emotions differ from those of animals. If you would like to continue this discussion e-mail me through my profile.

  12. Yes, much easier to believe that a virgin got pregnant by a diety and that a snake told a young couple to eat an apple.


  13. From years of brain washing

  14. You have all right to believe we're divine, but if you look honesty at the world we live in, you'll have to admit our

    behavior is all but divine...

  15. I have a hypothesis for your question:  Lets chemically alter food with fire - in other words - feed them cooked meat, fruits and vegetables for the next 50 generations of apes and monkeys and see if they elvolve into a more human like being.

  16. bicause they cant see the greatnes of the universe,milions and milions speacies that sorounds us which could not be part of so called evolution.

  17. humans and chimps share about 99% of their DNA. It's the 1% that made them evolve one way from and us the other from a shared ancestor. Darwin isn't top rated on this anymore as his theories have been shaped by modern scientists who have better data.

    If you don't believe this theory, what do you believe? The story of The Garden of Eden is all allegory, teaching lessons of life. God expected we would be able to figure the truth out for ourselves. I am Christian and love God and all his creations. But I believe it is an insult to Him to just go the Garden theory. Don't you believe someone as powerful as Him would have created as world that worked on its own, evolving with the best to offer at each epoch? Why are the monkeys not mentioned in the Bible as our ancestors? First, they did not think that way when the Bible was written. Then and for ages after it would be heresy to suggest such a thought. Second, really - how many great apes or chimps do you think the authors of the Bible ever saw to even give them the idea?

    As for us being the smartest creature on Earth, that does not mean we could not have come from the apes. We certianly are not the most clever. Just turn on the news and see how we treat each other, the world and the environment.

  18. Kindly name even one scientist who would assert that people evolved from apes or monkeys.  

    Such an ignorant claim could only originate from some sweaty loudmouthed preacher with a big black Bible in his hand earnestly blathering on and on about a scientific theory which he does not understand but is sure comes out of the Pit.

    A true statement might be something like this:  

    All the evidence observed so far confirms the hypothesis that humans, along with apes, monkeys, and several other kinds of animals, share a common ancestry, as is overwhelmingly conformed by countless DNA tests and other investigations.

    Such a hypothesis is scientific, because it is offered with the recognition that it can be shown false if evidence comes to light which contradicts it.  

    The Theory of Evolution is a scientific theory, and therefore will someday be superseded by some better scientific theory.  The test is always the evidence, not just whether or not its conclusions are comforting.

    Creationism is not scientific, because its underlying assumption - that Genesis is a scientific statement - is not offered as subject to being rejected when evidence contradicts it.  

    I have never yet met a creationist who is prepared to say "If evidence contradicts my bible, I am ready to give up my faith in the Bible."

  19. i think that the whole we came from monkeys thing is a load of c**p. if its true, why do we still have monkeys? humans are the smartest animals on the earth, that is why apes are so much like us because they are smart, then our brains have to be similar, right?  well i know i haven't explained this very well but i hope this answers you question.

  20. I guess they just examined all the known facts, in the form of 10s of thousands of fossils,and a plethora of DNA evidence, looked at how many breeds of dog were established, and realised that if they all had a common ancestor, so must have we. You really haven't given this much thought or research, have you? Both gorillas and chimpanzees have learned to communicate with humans, using hundreds of different signs in American Sign Language. Try reading Jane Goodall's work on the chimpanzees of Gombe National Park. They have feelings, reason, emotions, and minds good enough to frustrate humans trying to prevent some of them from accessing bananas, on many occasions, with the humans only succeeding eventually with strong metal cages, placed outside closed buildings, using electronic opening devices, because the chimpanzees taught themselves how to open them, by using the wires that previously were used by humans to open them.  It can be found in the Anthropology section of many libraries. A library is a big place containing many books. Ask someone there to give you a map of how to get to the Anthropology section. You can read maps, can't you, or don't you believe in them, either?

  21. When I was in college I walk past this guy and he looked EXACTLY like a gorilla - since that day I've been a believer.

  22. No one educated says that or believes that; in other words, you are not educated, so no use wasting time on you.

  23. Well ... apes have a mind, and a brain.  They also have feelings and reasoning.  They're very intelligent and emotional.

    I'm not fooled by Darwin.  In fact, I've never met the guy.  I do however believe scientific fact.

    Do you not agree that there were once cavemen?  They never existed?  Of course.  But it's known that they had no more the mind, feelings, reasoning, and emotions than present day apes do.

    Fact is fact.  If you want to believe it or not.

  24. It's truly funny for a thinking human not to relate the physical, similar features of an animate being yet totally throw all belief in something inanimate or a story written some hundreds of years after an actual event occuring and believing it is truth and the basis of their very lives.

  25. for some of us we still look like apes

  26. I think you are ignorant about great apes.  They too have feelings, emotions and reason.  You are being fooled by your own desire to impress others of your faith.  Perhaps you should be more interested in the truth.    Humans obviously can learn languages to a much greater degree than great apes but great apes are able to learn sign language to a pretty high degree.  It is obvious that our larger brain evolved from a smaller, though still relatively large brained ape.  This in fact is very strong evidence for evolution.  It seems to demonstrate your unwillingness to look at things using reason and yet it is you that suggest apes have no reason.

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