
How can people move odjects with there mind?

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i know there are people in the world that move objects with there mind and ya

telepathy or something and Telekinesis

How do people do that

what training is there like how do u learn it

what do u think when ur dong that

give me tips

and no im not crazy




  1. You move an object with your mind by having it order your hand to grab and move something.

    You can also order someone else to lift something by talking.

    Voila'! You moved it with your mind and your hands never touched it.  The person you ordered did the work!

    But other than that- actually violating the laws of physics by using mind power to move an exterior object- it's not possible.

    It's possible to fake, It's even fun to fake and pretend you have real powers.

    That pie levitated itself into your face when I concentrated on it!

    Which is more likely, that my mind generated the power needed to lift and throw the pie, OR some method magicians use for levitation (Black Art for instance) had a camoflauged assistant lift the pie and toss it at you?

    Either way a pie in the face is small compared to the embarassment of a Grad Sudent in Parapsychology who realizes how worthless her degree (And Master's Thesis on Telekinesis) is!

  2. u gots to be like a supa man dude or sometin, i think its a buttload of c**p and its all staged up

  3. It's very complicated, but it goes something like this:

    you focus really hard, and eventually your brain sends electronic-like signals down your spine and all through your body until you finally... sit up, move your legs and pick the object up with your hand

  4. they have to concentrate really really really hard

  5. What do you mean you *know* people move things with their minds?  How do you know?  Did you also know that David Copperfield made the Statue of Liberty disappear?  Why is it still in the same old place then?

  6. Sorry, but is simply not true. You cannot move an object with your mind. Nobody can. Your brain does not generate enough power to move an object. Also, your brain does not project anything outside of your body which makes it imposible to move an object. Telekinesis is simply wishful thinking or trickery.

    What you need to do is study a bit of clasical physics and look into some of the most common magicians tricks. Once you understand how the real world works and how magic tricks are done then you will start seeing the world more clearly.

    Also, look up the james randi in youtube. Also, penn and Teller. They explain and expose many mystical powers. All of them are either tricks or misunderstanding of of physical phenomena.

  7. I must say, they get in a quiet some yoga for some time (to relax) and focus on something deeply.

    I feel it is kind offense)scary but i don't think it's real. They just act like they are doing it.

  8. No, you're not crazy, just a little bamboozled by the magicians you've seen doing their tricks. No one in the world has actually demonstrated that they can move things with their mind alone.

  9. you got to focus on a object close then stare at it

  10. As TR said, it has never been demonstrated under controlled circumstances. Its not that people haven't tried, the most famous telekinetics in the world have tried to perform under observation by scientists and been unable to perform.

    Much of what is demonstrated is proffessional illusionist tricks. A classic trick used by conmen is spoon bending. Basically the conman does the classic wiggle the spoon and bend it with his fingers for show. Then he convinces the audience they can do it too, and to help your telekinetic powers with your fingers. Basically, spoons bend very easily with the fingers.

    I highly doubt that anyone will ever demonstrate telekinesis under conditions that rule out famous magic tricks.

    If you do develope the powers though, you can make a million dollars and shut up one of the most obnoxious skeptics in the world, James Randis million dollar challenge.

  11. There are several ways I've seen people move objects such as pencils with their mind.

    1. They say "What's that!"  I turn my head, and when I look back, the pencil has mysteriously moved.

    2.  They pucker their lips so it looks like their blowing out birthday candles and somehow make th pencil roll away from them.

    3.  They levitate it behind their nine interlocked fingers somehow.  

    4.  The pencil appears to hang by a thin hair or string, but they claim the string doesn't exist.  I take their word for it since my eyes aren't too good.

    Sorry I can't tell you how they do it.  I'm still trying to figure that out for myself.

  12. Please allow me to give you some actual information and answer your question.

    First, to date no one knows how this ability might work. There are some attempts to connect this ability with the idea of entanglement in quantum theory. This is where two particles separated from one another at a distance and whatever you do to one the other will react the same way.

    This is an established observation in quantum physics.

    Second, no one has demonstrated abilities like levitating a TV, starting fire, etc. There were some claims about Nina Kulgina in russia (just do a google search) but this remains highly suspect and controversial.

    Princeton University through a project called PEAR (Princeton University Engineering Anomalies) has for more than 20 years conducted experiments where people attempt to influence objects (usually random number generators) with their mind. Before this research was done on falling dice at the Rhine Research Center on people's ability to influence falling dice.

    One of the findings seems to be that movements in motion (where they end up is yet determined) is easier to influence than objects that are already still.

    Also, the effects usually require statistics even to see.

    This used to be called telekinesis (TK) and is now called

    psychokinesis (PK) in the research literature.

    As I said no one knows how to train for this because no one knows (yet) how it works.

    Michael John Weaver, M.S.

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