
How can people say aliens don't exist?

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If our sun is one of a hundred billion stars in the Galaxy, and if our Galaxy is one of a trillion Galaxy's in the wider universe, then isn't it a little niave of people to think that we are the only intelligent life in such a huge universe?

And if there was another planet with life on it, wouldn't it only have to be a thousand or so years (the blink of an eye in the life of the universe) more advanced than us to have invented inter galactec space travel?




  1. i read a book that says that there is UFO's on earth and that they are here to protect us for the ned of our days here on earth and that they are guideing us through life as we know it the book is called Mysteries and creatures of the world by sylvia brown

  2. I think the stigma that comes with this statement is that people are contributing it with an intelligent species and its very disconcerting to think that something more intelligent has evolved or has been enlightened beyond what our race has been able to achieve. The fact of the matter is that there is alien life somewhere, be it intelligent or simple single celled microorganisms. The fact of the matter is when the subject is brought up we are thinking of some vicious being visiting us with ill-intentions. It is to our own contribution to fiction , non-fiction and deceit that we think this way.

  3. If there were aliens and they were even just a few thousand years ahead of us, they should have colonized the whole galaxy by now.

  4. Actually, recently the government had said that they do believe there is aliens, they described the aliens as humans from the future who live amongst us to prevent critical mistakes.

  5. Most if not all scientists and knowledgeable people would agree with you about your first point.  So you are in good company.

    You mean 'interstellar space travel dont you'?  Because the space between the galaxies is thousands of times larger than the space between the stars.  

    And as for that sort of space travel, remember you cant travel faster than light.  Wormholes and the like are not an answer, since the physics of that sort of thing tends to involve nasty black holes, that tidally distort ones body into a thin stream of atoms.  So I think that there is a distinct possibility that interstellar space travel is almost impossible, except in generational ships, that take many human lifetimes to make the journey.

    If interstellar space travel is possible and easy, the aliens would already be among us.  Which they're not.   And that tends to suggest that interstellar space travel is not possible (at least on any useful scale.)

  6. For real..

    We are aliens..we just call ourseleves humans..

    But any sort of animals and life is to do with aliens..


    There must be sumthing out there..

    But the world may never know..

    We can only go and see about 12 planets..

    (after pluto and stuff)

    But who knows.

    There may be something there.

    Smarter than us.

    Different.. With a huge nationality and religion difference.

    They may speak the wierdest language..

    After all our languages were made by us..

    And our gods are who we believe in.

    Speaking of naive...

    People never stretch their minds to what they cant see and touch but guess what..

    Air is unseeable..untouchable..

  7. No one I've met says aliens don't or can't exist.  However there's a big difference between saying they can or cannot exist, and saying there's no evidence that they DO exist.  The difference is only significant if you plan to attribute some observation or occurrence to aliens.  Before you can say that aliens may be responsible for something, you have to prove they exist.  It's not enough to point to probabilistic arguments saying that it's unlikely for aliens NOT to exist.

    The difference is important because of the particulars of epistemology, or the science of "knowing."  In order to conclude according to evidence that some cause is responsible for some effect, you need to know ahead of time what the properties of that proposed cause are.  That is, before you can rationally hold that aliens caused something, you need to know enough facts about aliens (not speculation) to be able to say that aliens COULDN'T have caused it, if that's where the evidence pointed.  If there's no chance for you conclusion to be wrong, then you can't take much comfort in the possibility that it's right.  Unfortunately UFO enthusiasts simply say aliens can be whatever they need to be in order to fit some theory, because it would be silly to "restrict" the properties of aliens without knowledge.  But that's just circular reasoning: it defines the alleged cause in terms of what would have to be true, not what IS true.

    However, in terms of speculation it's no more rational to conclude aliens could develop interstellar travel than to conclude they couldn't.  Speculation is funny that way.

  8. That's what I'm always asking.

  9. lack of evidence is a good place to start.

    yes, you can argue that there is life out there. but this is a far cry from actual first contact.

  10. There are many people who are too close-minded to accept that Earth is not the only planet with life and that humans are not the only intelligent life in the universe.  It was only a few centuries ago that Galileo was put under house arrest because he saw moons orbiting Jupiter!  People want to believe that they are special and unique.  

    Although I do believe each person is unique, I firmly believe in the existence of alien life.  And there must be some civilization far more advanced than our own.  Perhaps they have realized that to make contact with less advanced beings (such as ourselves) only leads to trouble and they are content to leave us alone.  Perhaps there are some kinds of space laws that we are as yet unaware of.  And I'm not trying to be funny or anything, I've actually thought about this a lot! :)  

    But to go back to your original question, unfortunately, there are some people who will never see the infinite possibilities our universe may contain.

  11. Uh, well, people are quite ridiculous for not believing in other intelligent life but it's sure not anywhere near us. If we want to find it, we need to travel to other galaxies.

  12. Other intelligent life within our universe is so incredibly plausible that it makes me laugh. It is ignorant and almost conceited to think that there could not possibly be any other life in our immense universe other than on Earth. In fact on Europa, on of many moons of Jupiter, there is the possibility of life in the water beneath the ice. But Albert Einstein once said that there is no speed faster than the speed of light. So assuming that this is true and that life forms on other planets billions of light years away, they would be unable to reach us, whether they're on the opposite side of our galaxy or even as close as our closest star, because of the incredible distances between us. But if a way to create and then be able to travel through worm holes (Albert Einstein said it is possible for these to exist) is discovered then traveling between galaxies becomes a whole different story.

  13. um dude i dont kno how to tell u this but sadly i dont think there is a such thing as aliens

  14. Ummmm, nobody ever said aliens don't exist.  Most people just say they MIGHT NOT exist

  15. You have asked two quite unrelated questions:

    1. Is it naive to think that we are the only intelligent life within the billions of galaxies that we can see? - Yes, I think so. I think the likelihood that there are intelligent civilizations - perhaps even within our own galaxy - is fairly high. With no observations to rely on, I base my opinion on the prevalence of organic molecules throughout the universe and the incredibly high number of solar systems that seem to exist.

    2. Have they invented intergalactic space travel? - Now, that's a much tougher question. We have demonstrated repeatedly in laboratories that Einstein was correct. The speed of light is constant, regardless of the motion of the source or the observer. That means several things:

    a. The speed of light is not like the speed of sound, where if you just keep going faster, you will eventually exceed it. No matter how fast you go, light will still pass you at the speed of light. So you cannot catch up to it. That is not intuitively obvious, but it is absolutely true, and it is tied up with the way the universe works with respect to space and time.

    b. The nearest galaxy is 2.3 million light years away. Traveling at very close to the speed of light, it would take alien spacecraft over 3 million years to get here  (as measured by us). They would not experience the same length of time, since time would slow down for them in accordance with special relativity. However, it would still take them many thousands of years (in their frame of reference), and their home system would experience the passage of tens of millions of years before they could return.

    c. If aliens looked in our direction from their home galaxy today, they would see no indication that we exist, since they would be seeing light that left here 2.3 million years ago. In fact, the Earth would be in an entirely different location within the galaxy.

    So why would they come across that incredible void to zip around and hide like kids on a playground?

    Now, you can speculate that they have invented some way to get around these laws of physics - which are really pretty basic and represent technology that is over 100 years old and not in question. But that is pure speculation, and it is not backed up by any kind of science or potential science. Wormholes are highly speculative and are, at this point, no more than mathematical exercises that could not provide a safe form of travel across the room, much less across the galaxy.

    But science works in a way that eliminates errors over time by requiring that the proponent of the new idea - (i.e. that aliens are flying around) - must provide the evidence that his idea makes sense in terms of known, documented observations and known laws of physics and mathematics. The idea that aliens exist cannot be verified - mathematically it seems to be at least reasonable. But the idea of intergalactic space travel fails on both levels. There are no documented observations that prove it and it doesn't make sense in light of known laws of math and physics.

    That doesn't mean it cannot be possible. It means that it is highly unlikely. As a trained skeptic - show me the evidence..

  16. Because people don't look into it, do their own research - and thinking about it all...  Also our various authorities do not want this information to be known to the public.  Our religions do not wish to have their authority diminished, likewise with governments...

    It is certainly not easy to find truthful and accurate information about UFOs, etc from other planets, etc.

    However I think the following site is a good place to start.

    (also [English Discussion Board])

    I have researched the Billy Meier UFO Contact information, about the Plejarens for the past 5 years --- and have taken an interest in UFOs, etc for the past 30 years...

    I do think the Plejaren information is worth taking note of.

    There is a DVD titled "The Silent Revolution of Truth" which presents the evidence for the Billy Meier contacts for the beginner to this information. This information is at various sites, etc around the internet - and it is simply all on the one DVD..

    On this DVD, in 'The History' part - specific numbers are given, like you have done above... this info is from the ETs as such...

    There is a great deal of information to absorb.

    In a special questions and answers to Billy Meier - the information is given about UFO contactees, etc which prove to be false. And the few genuine contacts are mentioned also.

    Sadly there is some information still kept secret - which even the Plejarens themselves have not permitted themselves to speak up about - about Roswell and other such controversial incidents... However, they do seem to talk around it.. and even this little extra information may shed a little more light on those incidents?

  17. Ok, space aliens that fly round space ships and abduct humans are fake. Those are science fiction aliens. However, out of the estimated 750,000,000,000,000,000 solar systems in the visible universe, we are not alone.

  18. I agree with you.  Also, since the universe and our galaxy are about 9 billion years older than our Solar System, they could have had up 9 billion years longer to develop their technology.  We might develop interstellar travel in the next 100 years, considering the fact that we went from horse and buggy to the moon in about 50 years.  

    I believe that there are many alien civilizations out there, and that many of them have interstellar travel capability.  I also believe that some of them have been coming here and studying us for millennia.

    My son is one of those who doesn't believe in aliens.  He said (re:  alien abduction) "Why would they go around picking up people, examining them, taking samples, implanting tracking devices, let them go and then do it all again later on?  We wouldn't do that."  My response was, "That is precisely what we do in studying animals.  We would be so far behind any civilization that is able to get here, that they would view us as creatures to study."

  19. Aliens are what most people think there are. Aliens are actually people that comes from outer USA. Because I noticed on a friends card and he came from Haiti. It said ALIEN on it.

  20. They just say aliens don't exist, as they or all of us have never seen them, and at the present moment, we don't have the technology to go that far out in space.

  21. They exist..they just are not visiting earth.

  22. there is probably an enormous amount of life outside the realms of our universe, but what incentive do they have to come here? none.

  23. It goes against their religion...

    The thought of a more advanced race is nerve wracking...

    And because they can. ^^

  24. people are stupid. aliens and bigfoots are real

  25. The craft are just New World Order vehicles for the coming 4th Reich. As for your 'aliens', think more along the lines of extradimensional beings or what some might call "The Fallen":

    If you just have to believe in ETs, they have something special in store for you very soon. Google/youtube: "Project Bluebeam"

    'Aliens' just in time for 2012! Supposedly, different Type III civilization 'ETs' fighting amongst themselves for our sakes.  Some are friendly and have supposedly taught us things in return for microchipped people to take back to their slave camps. Type III civilizations are said to use all the power of galaxies including stars, planets, density waves, and even blackholes and will try to explain why some worship this symbol:

    They are already doing pretend battles:

    We should have known earlier:

    Many will be fooled...

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