
How can people say teaching is easy?

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They spend all day surrounded by hoards of kids, some listen some wont. And all manner of problems that come with them, and having to cope with that many in one day!

I think it more of a very taxing, but maybe a more rewarding job.

Yeah teachers mite get the summer off, but after dealin we all them kids for 6 hours a day for what must seem like a lifetime, i think they deserve it! :P




  1. Yeah, true, i was one that went along with the line that they have it easy, until i married one!

    There seems to be a lot of stressed teachers out there, so its no walk in the park.

  2. My freind is a teacher and she spends her summer working in 2 other jobs i don't think they ever get time is very hard you have to have certain skills to be able to keep control, their attention and make them learn.

  3. People can say what ever that they want...first amendment, but doesn't make it so.  Have them walk a mile in the teacher's shoes, to coin an old cliche.  Sometimes teaching is easy, but sometimes it is painful and filled with stress.

  4. Its 5:23 and I just got home from work.

    The *kids* have the summer off, not me.

    7th grade math and science in Los Angeles

  5. I don't know, but what really gets me is when people say teachers DO get paid enough because we have summers off.  I don't know about anyone else, but I work on projects for next school year over the summer, outlining my curriculum, reading new teacher manuals and teacher theory books, and during the school year I work from 7-5 (sometimes later at home) when my school day is only supposed to be 8-3 (because I have so much work)!  Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, I LOVE TEACHING!  I just get upset when people think teachers are ungrateful and that I have the easiest job in the world.

  6. If you really enjoy doing it, then it's not a problem.  I teach just one subject, and I enjoy doing it so much it's not like work at all, more like fun, even despite the few who don't listen and are just not interested.  And yes, I enjoy my deserved holiday time off too.

  7. Teaching is very rewarding when you see a class approaching a task you have challenged them to so enthusiastically. It is also very tiring and emotionally draining to stay positive all day, encouraging even the laziest pupils to do anything at all other than attack each other! We have 'Summer off' in lieu of all the evenings we spend marking and lesson planning. For the person who thinks we have teacher training days off - think about it! The only thing we don't do is teach classes, but we are STILL working, while it's the kids who have the day off!

  8. The thing I find funniest is that so many people talk about how easy teaching is, yet so few of them choose it as a career path.  If they really believed it was that easy, with all those lovely holidays, then surely they would be doing it themselves?

    Added to that, there is an even greater number of people that go into teaching, actually believing it is an easy option, who leave after their first year (or sooner) as they can't take it.

  9. Like most career jobs, teaching can be very easy and it can be very difficult.  If you're a good teacher then you have a difficult job, but there are a lot of crummy teachers who don't do the extra work at home or during vacations.  It's easy to show up, throw up some notes and pass out a worksheet and say you're structured.  

    And if you're a good teacher, you do a lot of work, but the school day is usually really fun, I do all kinds of pyrotechnics during the school day and other weird/interesting stuff.

  10. People who say teaching is easy probably also think that stand up comedy is easy, too.  You just get up in front of an audience and talk.  They do not know the preparation required.

    I had an instructor who said the reason teachers are not as respected as doctors or lawyers is that we do not have a lot of trappings.

    Why do airline pilots wear quasi-military uniforms?  They could just as easily fly a jet in jeans and a T-shirt.  It's to appear professional and inspire confidence.  

    Look at the school Harry Potter goes too...that would put us in higher stead.

  11. People who say teaching is easy have never been a teacher.

    Teachers can burn out quickly (I have two neighbors who both quit teaching this year and are becoming nurses to lower the stress factor and I know nursing is no walk in the park either!)

    I have to take a year off every 2 or 3 years between teaching jobs.

    I couldn't stand being a housewife or a SHAM (I'd go nuts), but we need some time away from kids--it's impossible to constantly be "ON".

  12. Teaching is definately not easy! Its a lot of planning and paperwork, emotional stress (you cant help but get clsoe to your students and worry about them), training and meetings, pressure to suceed and get good results, behavioural issues are a nightmare, expected to deal with wide range of social issues (so and so hates so and so etc etc)...then there's dealing with parents and governors...

    or and personal life such as having own children, partner, social life etc!!

    The summer holidays is usually spent doing planning and training...not all of it is spent having time off!!!

  13. Teaching is both a very demanding and very worthwhile job, I would guess that those people have never had 30 kids under their care :)

  14. Simple, they have never taught.

    Last year, I taught 130 kids, 25 of which were in special education, and all of whom were going through puberty.  

    I'd trade a day at the desk any day for someone who says my job is easy.  I never sit down and talk for seven straight hours, but you know what?  I love what I do.

  15. some listen some wont? Is it a sign of a good teacher if some are not listening? Get the summer off? You'd think they could use the summer to cram in all the extra teacher training days instead of using them as another excuse to have a day off.

  16. If you go into teaching then it is both rewarding and time consuming.  And your spelling needs to be spot on.

  17. teaching is great! you get to build good relationships with the kids and become a positive role model. the feeling that you get after they have learnt something from you is very rewarding and to know that by giving pupils an education, you are preparing them for a better future is the best feeling. dealing with the naughty ones is not much of a problem, as long as you dont take it to heart and just remember that kids are kids at the end of the day, kids are not meant to like their teachers, and some just try it with teachers, but when they leave school, 95% of the pupils you teach are greatful. trust me, my year 11's have just left and even the naughty ones were ever so thankful.

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