
How can people say that McCain didn't properly check Palin out?

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It's quite clear he has done a thorough job




  1. The body language just speaks for itself, with trying to pull off his wedding ring while he was eyeing off her b*****s and checking her right out.

  2. Most likely because he only met her once before asking her for the second most powerful job in the US and doesn't even know who she is.

    Some press accounts have begun to shed additional light on the extraordinary backstage maneuvers that produced the Palin nomination, detailing the inordinate influence of the Christian fundamentalists in vetoing McCain’s initial inclination to name Senator Joseph Lieberman or former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge as his running mate, because both support abortion rights.

    The New York Times reported Tuesday, “With time running out—and as Mr. McCain discarded two safer choices, Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota and former Gov. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts, as too predictable—he turned to Ms. Palin. He had his first face-to-face interview with her on Thursday and offered her the job moments later. Advisers to Mr. Pawlenty and another of the finalists on Mr. McCain’s list described an intensive vetting process for those candidates that lasted one to two months. ‘They didn’t seriously consider her until four or five days from the time she was picked, before she was asked, maybe the Thursday or Friday before,’ said a Republican close to the campaign. ‘This was really kind of rushed at the end, because John didn’t get what he wanted. He wanted to do Joe or Ridge.’”

    NBC Political Director Chuck Todd reported on the network’s web site, “more and more reporters are learning just how close McCain came to picking [Lieberman] as his running mate. In fact, if my sources are correct, Lieberman was virtually a done deal inside McCain’s mind as of 10 days ago. But then, he was talked out of his pick by top adviser Charlie Black and campaign manager Rick Davis. Both believed a pro-choice running mate would create convention chaos.”

    National Review Online underscored the influence of the Christian fundamentalists, noting that as the McCain campaign was drafting the statement announcing Bristol Palin’s pregnancy, a group of top McCain aides met. Their assignment “was to call a list of about 40 top evangelical and other cultural conservative leaders. Each one would get a personal explanation of the story, and each was asked for his or her reaction. The McCain people reached nearly everyone before the story broke, and the verdict was unanimous—all the leaders supported Palin and her place on the McCain ticket.”

    While media criticism of the Palin nomination remains tentative and muted, there are reports of intense recriminations within the Republican camp. David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter and right-wing activist, told the Los Angeles Times, “I really hope McCain did his homework. I cannot stifle a growing sense of unease that he didn’t.”

    The Times also reported Tuesday: “One Republican strategist with close ties to the campaign described the candidate’s closest supporters as ‘keeping their fingers crossed’ in hopes that additional information does not force McCain to revisit the decision. According to this Republican, who would discuss internal campaign strategizing only on condition of anonymity, the McCain team used little more than a Google Internet search as part of a rushed effort to review Palin’s potential pitfalls. Just over a week ago, Palin was not on McCain’s short list of potential running mates, the Republican said.”

    The picture is extraordinary: a campaign flailing about in desperation, and, for all of McCain’s professions of “independence,” completely in thrall to the most reactionary elements in American political life.

  3. Oh man, that's bad.

  4. i wonder how his wife feels about how thoroughly he did check her

  5. Lol... Ever consider he might have been looking at her speech?.. Still pretty d**n funny.

  6. He's probably wondering if a US president can marry his VP. Altho he will never be elected, so it's a moot point.

  7. Wow, did he EVER check her out. What a lecher!

  8. McSame thinks a skirt is a skirt, obviously.  I cannot imagine why he would think that Hilary supporters would go against everything Hilary fights for to vote for an anti-choice homophobic creationist who supports the NRA.

    Do republicans want their children to be taught in school that "satan planted those fossils?'

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