
How can people say that Republicans only prop up women and minorities as a "Gimmick?"?

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Bush wasn't under election pressure and he appointed the first African-American woman to be Sec. of State and the first Hispanic male as the secretary general. It seems like change always happens on the Republican side. Obama didn't mention Lincoln freeing the slaves during his DNC speech, because Lincoln was a REPUBLICAN!!!




  1. People DOnt...its only liberal power junkies who base their propaganda on lies, miss-truths and fear.....everyone knows liberalism is a mental disorder...just look at those who believe that liberal dribble....madness!

  2. true so true there are more minorities appointed to high position's by republicans by far  

  3. The liberals don't care one way or another.

    McCain '08  Because there is no other man running.

  4. This is because it is true...Republicans use coopting the "others" so you know one can complain (about it)...tokenism is not flattering to people who refuse to be duped.  Gonzales (poor choice given that he is a crook who broke the law).  Rice (neutral about loyal to Bush, doesn't really have her own style).

  5. The liberals and the liberal media only make the big hoopla about these things only if it's on the liberal side -- as you saw last night.  Condi did the job without a big celebration and screaming fans.

  6. Because with Palin, that appears to be the case.  Also, the US government does not have a Secretary General office as far as I know.  The USSR did.  I believe you mean Attourney General.  Also, Lincoln's Republican Party is nothing like today's Republican Party.  In the 1860's, Republicans were liberal, and Democrats were conservative.

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