
How can people still believe that humans evolved from apes?

by Guest64622  |  earlier

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Darwin proved HIMSELF wrong, yet people still argue that we evolved from apes!




  1. I notice you just state he proved himself wrong without a shread of evidence.  If you are really interested in learning the truth, don't blindly read religious propaganda.  Darwin did not prove himself wrong.  In fact he has been proven correct by a mountain of evidence that has built up since he presented his theory.  That evidence includes but is not limited to fossil evidence and DNA evidence.

  2. Because it is a scientific fact that we did. But sometimes the level of the questions on this forum make me think some persons still havnt evolved beyond the IQ of the  big apes.

  3. Darwin didn't understand all aspects of evolution.  He didn't have a tiny fraction of the data available today.  It was pretty much proven beyond a reasonable doubt before DNA analysis pretty much put the final nail in notion that it might not be true.

  4. If the theory is true, so apes evolve from what? And that thing evolve from what? And that what thing evolve from what? Evolution theory is just a stupid theory. It just denying the existence of a creator.

  5. and when did this happen? well we didn't come from apes, we evolved over time, which i fully believe because what else would have happened. I believe in god but not that he created man, thats just stupid.

  6. because there is scientific evidence that proves it is possible

  7. Well, technically Darwin DID renounce his theories on his least as far as I've heard. But unfortunately, the damage is done. The theories have stuck.

  8. Obviously you are asking a pointed and rhetorical question, but I will pretend like you presenting a scientific question. Here are a few traits were observe in apes:

    High visual dependency

    High digital mobility, dexterity, precision grip in many

    Y-5 molar pattern (very peculiar) and 2123 dental pattern

    Scapular placement allowing high mobility of arms

    Extremely high brain to body size ratio

    No tail

    Strong propensity toward some bipedal locomotion

    As all of these peculiar traits are present in humans, it obvious that we are now apes. Since fossil records show that we did not always exist and must have evolved, it follows that we evolved from apes.

    One cannot believe or disbelieve in the Modern Synthesis of Evolution. It's science. One can only agree or disagree with it. Few scientists have presented evidence against it and none of it has been convincing to any respected scientific body.

  9. How did Darwin prove himself wrong?

  10. lol i have no clue... they just dont understand.........

  11. i'm not sure....maybe it was something like an ape but then

  12. Anyone who has met my relatives would have no doubt that we are related to the Apes.

  13. Where do you think we came from?

  14. After observing human behavior both on Yahoo!Answers and the 6 o'clock news, I think that argument is an insult - to apes!

  15. go to  request a free copy of the booklet on evolution...very insiteful

  16. I don't think Darwin ever said that (I read Origin of Species a long time ago, so forgive me).We evolved from the same root as apes, not FROM apes.

  17. I Know, Silly isn't it.

    Fingerprints of Creation." Presenters Dr. David Gentry, MD, Research Scientist, and Dr. Robert Gentry, Research Scientist. Available free for

    Dr. Robert Gentry explains why Polonium Halos prove an instant creation of earth by God....creation evolution fingerprints atheism radiometric geology radioactive

    Duane Gish Ph.D. Biochemistry, University of California, Berkley. Dr. Gish is the Vice President of the Institute

    Dr. Duane Gish, Vice-President of the Institute for Creation Research, challenge the fossil record against the arguments of Evolutionary teaching

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