
How can people support abortion & why?

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who are you voting for in the election obama or mccain.

obama will ruin us.




  1. I'm not much for politics, but I would never ask this question on yahoo. I don't care who is president, as long as if it ain't Hillary. I believe our vote doesn't count because of what happened in Florida with the last elections. So, i'm probably not voting this year. Politics sucks, and our government is really messed up.

    My sister has a myspace, and she has a picture type thing on there that says, "Pro-War, Pro-Death Penalty, Anti-National Health care, Anti- Social Programs to help our Nations Poor.... Why is Pro-Life so Pro-Death?"

    All we can do is pray and hope that who ever is President is the right one.

    God Bless

  2. Selfishness, immaturity or ignorance of the deed and its ramifications. People need to behave more responsibly, and for those that raise children, raise them with morals. Some support abortion because they have no understanding about the sanctity of life. Obama will ruin us.

  3. I don't think that rich white men should be making the decision for every woman in the country.  It's a moral decision, but I don't think our government should be making the moral decisions for us.

    You mean Bush didn't ruin us yet?

    Why did you bring this into the hockey section?

  4. obama will ruin us. he will raise taxes through the roof to help support those poor pigs who do not work. Mccain sucks too.

    Vote Libertarian.

  5. People have no business trying to direct the lives of strangers. Who am I to decide which unwanted children should be relegated to a life of poverty, abuse or misery?

    Neither, I'm not American. I can't see how Obama will ruin you though. The Republicans seem to be doing that on their own. Been a long time since I've seen the US ecenomy in such a mess.

  6. It is a free country it is not our place to tell women what they can and cannot do with their bodies.  Pregnancy is very very hard on the body and no woman can be forced into it, if she is the baby will have an awful life with an unfit mother.  I personally would fight tooth and nail to keep my wife or girlfriend from getting one, but it's not my body.  Bush had already ruined us so it seems odd that you think Obama will.  Our economy is pathetic, the world sees us as idiotic bullies, and we keep pumping money into countries like Saudi Arabia in exchange for their oil which is fueling terrorism.  If you're a patriot you'll vote Obama, if you want America to fall into another depression while our soldiers are killed in an unjust war you'll vote for McCain.  

  7. The D&R parties both desire to spend our hard earned money and keeping us under their control .Every body needs to vote third party and break the strangle hold they have on the government to save our country.

  8. Unless Obama and McCain has started playing hockey, you're a moron.


    Factoid #1:  By 2042 whites will have lost their majority in the U.S.

    Factoid #2:  66% of all abortions performed are on non-white women

    Factoid #3:  The abortion rate of women living below the poverty line is four times that of those above it

    There you go.  Abortion is suddenly more palatable, isn't it?  In fact, maybe Conservatives should consider changing their whole stance on abortion, become the Pro-Mandatory Abortion party.  You can re-name it, if it makes you more comfortable, call it the Patriotic Eugenics Procedure or something.  It's mostly blacks, Hispanics and poor people, anyway.

    TA DA!  I have single-handedly revolutionized the GOP partyline.

    P.S.  I cautiously omit Factoid #4, which is my personal favorite:  Forty-three percent of women obtaining abortions identify themselves as Protestant, and 27% as Catholic (=70%)

  10. Now this has nothing to do with hockey but I think I'll answer it.

    Why? Because guess what? This is a free country. Women have the right to do whatever they want with their body. Who are YOU to tell a women she has to carry a baby she doesn't want. Sure, maybe she should have told her S****y boyfriend to keep it in his pants, but it happened.

    Yeah, and ok.......what if a lady was raped and impregnanted? I know someone who is very dear to me and she was raped when she was 15. Luckily she didn't get pregnant.

    But when it happened I couldn't stop thinking about it.......What if she were to have gotten pregnant that night? She was terrified of everyone after it happened. She said she'd kill the ******* is she ever saw him again. The man nearly ruined her life. Could you let a young lady carry and have birth to a baby that she never wanted. That she had no choice in?

    I am very Pro-Choice. Not only on abortions, but on everything. Who are we honestly to decide what someone can do with their life???????

    I know a lot of people who are Pro-Life and I respect their thoughts and opinions, but that's not saying I agree at all.

    Guess what? This world doesn't owe you a d**n thing, so stop trying to rule other's lives. Maybe if people started focusing on their own dang life they would feel better about themself.

    I am very pro-choice on everything. g**s too. There's nothing I hate more than people who tell g**s they're wrong. I myself am not g*y, but I support them 100%. People should stop telling them to go straight and focus on their own life.

  11. I heard this argument somewhere else, but it really rings true for me:

    Conception, especially in the very early stages, is just a few cells bunched together and is really no more or less alive than the bacteria that lives in your gut. The fetus is not conscious by definition, and is just following a preset number of steps in order to become an individual human. Before the fetus is born, it is still physically a part of the mother because it cannot survive naturally outside of its mother. Thus, the decision of whether or not to bring this potential person into the world lies completely with the mother.

    You can try to argue that this is "immoral", but morality is not universal. Who's morality should I follow? Christianity? Buddhism? It's absolutely ridiculous to expect everyone to follow the same set. I love how everyone thinks that they're more moral than the average person, just like how they think that they're better, smarter, and more special than the average. I hate to tell you, but more than likely, you are the average. Your opinion of what's right is a dime a dozen.  

  12. OK first thing wrong section....Second I'm not voting Obama,not sure if I'm voting at all but if i do it will be because McCain is a war hero.It is NOT a black issue and I love how people say it is if you don't vote for Obama but its not a race issue if you don't vote for McCain.If Colin Powell or Condoleeza Rice were running I would have NO PROBLEM voting for either one of those 2.

    I'll quote a very good comedian when asked what he felt aboot abortion.

    Vote on abortion?Your answer

    One C**K=NO VOTE

    I'll tell you another thing.If my daughter gets raped by a drug dealer or user OR the baby will some have terrible illness that will be a 24 hr job to have to care for the rest of her life or have an abortion what do you think I would tell her?

  13. It's extremely easy to figure out.  If you don't have the means to support a kid, you get an abortion.  Simple as that.  Either that or the kid will end up living with people he/she can't relate to.  And it's not murder because Christians believe that God has a Plan for them.  So if this is the case, then God plans all abortions.  

    Peace.  There are worse things in life than death.

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