
How can people to stablished world peace?

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  1. People compete and when they are required by circumstances such as less resources than they want, they fight and kill their neighbors.  

    The only way you can stop war is with a very powerful military that will prevent wars by punishing any aggressive group that doesn't follow international norms.  There is always some that will benefit an some that will lose in any military objective.  Allowing a country like Iran to gain nuclear weapons to threaten its neighbors is a good example.  Do you wait until they have the power to destroy millions or do you stop them in their tacks.  You can't prevent war unless you are will to kill people.  That is the sad fact of human nature.

    Those that preach peace at any cost will be responsible for much greater destruction in the end because there are many who want to impose their will on their neighbors.  It is foolish to pretend that appeasing thugs helps the cause of peace.

  2. We will only have peace,when mankind wipes itself out!

  3. When soldiers refuse orders to fight others

  4. If everything in peace, would not that be boring?

    Some kind of peacelessness prevails everywhere. At a super balanced stage, a break down is possible as well. And once again everything trying to reach a super balance.

    I hope, that is a cycle. But we have not yet reached a global peace so far. We have local peace at community, national levels.

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