
How can people who do not know Jesus or anything from the Bible, claim that Jesus does not exist?

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Are some young atheist this way? Do young atheist just believe to be so just to be rebellious or because they are aftaid to be commited to not sin?




  1. I'm sure some doubts are based off of a lot of research (which includes reading the Bible).

    Some believe he was just a man who eventually became deified over time through story-telling, while others doubt he even existed at all.

  2. They are the people who don't know anything about holy books.  They are the people want to see the air, since they don't know that they can feel only.  They are the people who don't know the milk contains butter and ghee, and they will see the milk as a milk. The hunter's mind always be on the bird thinking how to catch, how to kill, etc.,similarly, their thinkings only how to find fault with any where there is no fault. you can awake the person who is actually sleeping, but can you awake a person who pretends sleeping.  They know that there is an essesnce in the holy book bible, but their raw arguments and vague speech without essense to make people confusing.  They are attempting to confuse people.  Their efforts never going to yield good results.  They know it fully, but they do their works again and again.  if you say a lie 1000 times, will it become a truth ?  leave thm.

  3. Believe it or not, the atheists are probably more knowledgable than any of your average believers.  We have read the bible more thoroughly in our search for answers than believers read it because they're told.

    I know the bible, cover to cover... and it was more than enough to turn me into an atheist.

  4. Exactly, how can they!  Before my conversion, I shunned church and any person who claimed to be Christian, I thought they're weird people, don't want to catch up with their wavelength.  Once converted, there's no place I can't see GOD presence.  Ain't that amazing?  As for the atheist, it's not up to us to judge.  We were them before.  Thank the Holy Spirit who change us!

  5. Atheists are people who goes by the 'to see is to believe' principle. Most likely they are the 'hard to reach' people.

    Clearly, they are closed-minded people who never rely to anything such as faith or luck. They need to realize it for themselves before they believe

  6. The claim that the Jesus portrayed in the New Testament didn't exist is based on the fact that even biblical scholars, in their sincere quest for any evidence or historical documents, have NEVER found any.

    Jesus is a manufactured god-man, made popular after the publication of the fraudulent New Testament by the Roman Catholic Church in the 3rd century. Outside of the NT, Jesus doesn't/didn't exist.

    Even Pope Leo X, around 1520, declared that the MYTH of Jesus had been quite profitable for the Church. Who would know better than the head of the Church himself?

    If Christians would get away from reading biased Christian websites and other literature from apologetics and open their minds to the FACT that there is no historical evidence for their god-man, more and more of them would unyoke themselves from their delusion. It would take, admittedly, sheer will to take off the blinders and use the innate intellect properly. Lacking that, then they should just stick with the intellectual honesty that all they have is faith, i.e., belief without a shred of evidence.

  7. Kevin, would you read this and watch these documentaries?

    You will see why people say that.

  8. Because there is only anecdotal evidence that he did.  There are no records from the period to suggest otherwise, and there are discrepancies within and among the biblical tales.

  9. answer: 1) I'm not young, my rebellious stage isn't behind me but I've been in my religion for over 20 years now so not believing in Jesus isn't out of rebellion.

    2)  I DO know the Bible. I've studied it before and after becoming an ex-Christian.

    3)  I do not believe Jesus was a savior because I know the bible and the source of Christianity - the Jewish beliefs and Christian ones are in contrast.

    4)  A G-d that refuses human sacrifice turns around and demands human sacrifice of his own son/self?  No, not likely.

  10. Claiming special revelation only makes you look arrogant..I could make the same claim for any number of possible gods

  11. Most people don't know anything about Odin but still claim he does not exist.

  12. They can't. But there are plenty of people who can. I am not a young atheist, I am 46. Although I believe Jesus existed, I also reckon most of what is said about him in the gospels is not literal, and most of it is pure fancy.

    If you really want to find out why some people adopt this position, I suggest that you go to your favourite online retailer and buy "The Incredible Shrinking Son of Man", by Robert M. Price. It's a highly cross-referenced work by a known bible scholar who adopts this position on Jesus. Then you can make your own mind up. Don't just accept what your pastor tells you every sunday morning.

  13. Do you know anything of Muhammad, read the Qu'ran?  Read the Vedas from the Hindus?

    I have read them and the bible and I have dismissed them.

    If you haven't read at least the books of the major world religions, then you have no room to talk.

  14.    First of all, no body knows jesus, unless you were alive before 33AD, if that's the case than I apologize and whoa are you old.

      Second, the majority of atheists know very much about jesus.  Do you think that one day we wake up and decide, 'hey, you know what would be fun?  telling people that have killed for their beliefs that they are wrong, and having closed minded people tell us we are going to h**l with out giving our lives any sort of inspection or thought!'  Not the case my friend.

      When you feel something missing, when you see the holes, when you can not understand the contradictions and can no longer stand the hypocrisy you start to search for you own answers.   You research, and study, and learn, and then you find what makes sense and realize that the only way to live is to be true to yourself, not just follow the masses.

  15. <Yawn> More condescending, *ignorant* ASSumptions from a fundy who knows NOTHING of atheists or atheism.

    In short, since you got nothing right, your conclusions will be equally 100% wrong.

    Mark 9.1: And he said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That there be some of them that stand here, which shall not taste of death, till they have seen the kingdom of God come with power.

    So, by YOUR holey book, jezzus is about 1950 years LATE, and since EVERYONE he could have spoken to in 33 AD is very long dead: In other words, your jezzus LIED. Deal with that truth about your fantasies.

  16. The reason is because they deny that they can know anything unless they can see it with their eyes.  They deny what can be felt.  Although we all know the feeling of love, I wonder if they would deny that it is love because it is something they cannot scientifically test or see.  

    Atheists will never know if God is real, if Jesus is the savior of the world or anything that they must find out by what they feel in their hearts.  The feelings about the reality of God and of all spiritual things comes from the Holy Ghost who witnesses to our hearts and minds the truth of such things.  

    They will never acknowledge that these feelings are real so they are limited to a knowledge of what is actually true.

    I also think that it is a lazy way to get out of any obligation to keep commandments, attend church or belong to any type of church, and to be able to do anything they want to without feeling guilty for it.  Unfortunately, we all have a conscience and they may run but they can't hide.  Deep down inside I believe that even the Atheists know when they are sinning.  

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