
How can people who dont believe in evolution........?

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deny DNA evidence and carbon dating?

**Looking for answers I'm not judging anyone who doesn't believe in evolution**




  1. i don't believe in evolution

  2. Evolution has too many unanswered questions.  

    Carbon dating is really of no value for anything older than about 57000 years old.  Also, to use carbon dating, one has to make some big assumptions for carbon dating to work.

    DNA ??

    The DNA framework really doesn't help the evolution camp.  How do they explain where the DNA code came from in the beginning?

  3. i don't agree with evolution because it still doesn't make complete since to me

    why aren't there apes in transition of becoming human.

    i've never seen anything in between, just one or the other

  4. Because science is a tool of the devil

    you can keep you protons and neutron, I got my jus kidding

    for the same reason you have so much fait in science yet ignore  spirituality, ghosts demons, angels, devine spirits and such

    I will bet you nickels to dimes that all theory's in science come to a dead end

    the biggest one was what was befor the big bang, and where did the particles that produced the big bang come from, just as everything has an end so to does it have a beginning and what is the beginning for science?


    actually are you familiar with physics, or chemistry

    they both state that energy cannot be created or is on transfered or body creates a large amount og energy and through the use of instruments developed by science they have measured the same energy but oin it is in objects that are not alive but move across the room or in areas that are empty but you can hear talking or has givin evidence of a spiritual world but it has been ignored

  5. I know I'll get thumbs down, but I don't agree with evolution.  

  6. I don't deny DNA evidence. Carbon dating, I'm not so sure about it's accuracy. Or the honesty of the people performing the tests and reading the results.

  7. Key word...."THEORY" . Science has many theories. They have some evidence but still science can't prove the theories to be 100% true.

    If you want to believe you come from an ape, knock yourself out. I don't care if I get thumbs down. I don't buy it and I'm sticking to what I believe.

  8. Show me the evidence which proves that man came out of a primordial pool and slowly evolved from ape to man after millions of years.  Show me beyond a shadow of a doubt that the scientific evidence that scientists have proved this assumption.  You can't.  It's a scientific assumption.  Plus, carbon dating has been proved to be wrong on occasion, and still does prove what I have posed above.  

    Facts are falsifiable.  It used to be a well known fact that the world was flat, but today we know better.

  9. DNA and carbon dating don't prove the THEORY of evolution

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