
How can pornstars keep on having s*x even if theyve "shot their bullets" a couple of times?

by Guest60950  |  earlier

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I know its a stupid question but hows that possible? When I have s*x I get dead tired after one round but pornstars go on for 3 or 5 rounds!

Are they superhuman or something??




  1. the wonders of editing!!

  2. No they aren't superhuman. its just that the takes are really different and not one as it seems. I mean the editors just makes it seem like one long s*x scene but really it's days of filming even weeks!

    PS no its not a stupid question bro. i wondered about it too!

  3. I think it is the way they are shot (not the "bullets" but the film). I think it must be done in stages, and then edited in. I know what you mean, I have often wondered that too. Well if there is a man who can actually do that, then I am really jealous of him!

    Ha Ha, but yeah I think it is all edited in.  

  4. yes, they are superhuman in a way, just like professional athletes can have abnormal amounts of strength, speed, or endurance, pornstars have trained their bodies to do more than what a normal person can

  5. i feel sad for you if you get dead tired after a round. reminds me of those movies where a dork tries to get laid. hahaha

  6. viagra!

  7. A number of possible reasons are:

    - Editing - they are actually shot over some time

    - Fake liquids

    - They really can go on (though I doubt it)

  8. no it's a mixture of film editing and viagra you should look at p**n movies as you do with any other film and think the special effects aren't bad

  9. i guess their so used to it its like their simply drinking water

  10. editing, and well, it's their job.  they're required to do what has to be done in order to make a video, or scene or what ever it may be.  just like someone in the army must keep on fighting even though he is tired, it's his job.

    edited also plays a role. this is also how pornstars seem to "last" for so long. because they will come, then go on and continue having s*x, the they just cut and paste the ejaculation to the end

  11. think how often they do it.... practice!

    but they sort of train their bodies to get used to it and it just becomes normal to them bc they do it so often

  12. they inject their c@cks with a saline solution which keeps it hard. they don't feel pleasure. just a hard p***s.

  13. It is probably a mixture of several things . Certain medications help to maintain erection , editing of the movie helps as they can allow the guy recovery time . But most of these guys are actually specially picked because they have quite large equipment and staying power  

  14. ur a weak guy....i can do 3-4 requires practise n stamina building...if u do it always, u'll become good at it

  15. they usualy go for one round then stop rest freshen up and youch up hair and make up and change the condom if your using one.

    they remake the bed or move to another scenario.

    they edit it to make it flow so it looks continuouse.

    its not like you will watch p**n and then you see them stop and then they start talking or resting then they start up again because it will take longer for you to get arroused and to enjoy the p**n.

    its quiet simple


    everyone goes for one round then rests then goes for seconds. and its hard to keep it standing for too long

  16. Movie Magic - Multiple shoots and fake sperm packs

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