
How can predictions be correct when we might not be on correct date anyway?

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i know lots of don't believe anyone can predict the future and i respect that, i just wanted to ask..

There are too many people who have predicted things which are ment to happen on a certain date at a certain time in the future etc but how do we know if we are actualy living in the correct date and time?

for example, the year 2000 was ment to be the end of the world... but was 2000 actualy 2000

The stuff thats going around about 2012, well will 2012 be the real 2012.

We have changed time so much by putting the clocks foward an hour and then back an hour and then we add minutes onto the clock every so often then we have leap years etc.

So how can previous predictions made so long ago actualy be valid today when we have messed with time so much already.

Just curious.




  1. You're absolutely right, we aren't on the correct date.  The current calender is based on the year it is believed that Jesus was born, however it is now known that he was born in roughly the year 6 B.C. so the starting point for the calender is off by as much as 6 years.  If you add 2012 years from the birth of Jesus you actually arrive at 2006 so even if anyone had predicted the end of the world in 2012 that years has technically already passed.

  2. Chuck NORRIS is the real son of the god....

    and the god

    is the real son of........CHUCK NORRIS!

  3. I can predict the future JB, I am a Psychic.

    I don't usually do that, you know predict stuff all the time, because it is not what God wants I think, for I feel we must each work it out for ourselves.

    Yet the angels of the heavens know, for they have studied the subject for thousands of years, and all we need to do is get them to answer the question, 'when is the the end of the world?'

    They never have told me, yet they have told me may things, why, because they are not allowed to tell me, it is not permitted to tell mortals this date.

    Beside, it does not really matter, because what great good would it do?  If a few people knew the date, what difference would that make to anything?  And if everyone knew the date, what could they do about it anyway?  See, now you are thinking like an Angel!

    Don't worry sweetie.

    After many year I discovered that the book I was writing was becoming true (it is called Journey to Immortality) and I thought the ideas in my book had just come from my mind, yet we are all connected to the Creator, for we are all part of the Creator.

    It is written in an old book, 'Those who are close to God hears the sound of the Creator, like a sound coming forward before the event.'

    Those who predict, just know that the future is coming, most are a little mistaken by just when it will happen, and most predict it will happen sooner than it does.

    Often those who predict, are in fear of the future and so predict something worst than what will truly happen.

    I am curious too.

  4. Dates are man-made for man's convenience. They don't actually mean anything.

    Noboby can predict the future, although a lot of people make a great deal of money, convincing others that they can.

    You don't even know what will happen in the next few seconds, never mind in years to come.

    It is not for man to see into the future - and that's probably a good thing !

  5. They can't.  Just more nonsense by humans claiming to have a direct line to God.

  6. i think you make a very good point!

    Ive been to a psychick/median and trust me they knew everything about me, knew things ive never told ANYONE, and a couple of their predictions have come true, and some havnt. When i went though they didnt use percific times and dates. People who predict certain events i.e world ending on july 4th 2002 or whatever it was, they arnt true i dont think. Because time and dates are man made!

    I do belive some people have special gifts, and others simply make it up!!!

  7. Dates and times were invented by humans as a means of bringing general, universal order.  We have messed around with time to suit ourselves.

    If people truly could predict the future through some sort of 'divine intervention' and they make reference to a particular time/date, that proves the prediction is 'man made' and therefore invalid.

  8. oh come on,if you are stupid enough to believe someone can predict the future then you have to be daft enough to know that they would of also predicted how folk would mess with the dates and calender, so they would of made allowances for it.

    but we know there is a reason none of these predictions come true coz they are all a load of c**p

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