
How can prince Harry deserve a medal after one month in afganistan?

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when he was so well protected compaired to the months and months that other soldiers are away from family and friends some never seeing their own children being born and he goes out on a jolly to be with his chums o.k. so he drove a couple of tanks and patrolled a few empty streets. both harry and william do not deserve anything even Andrew who flew helicopters in the falklands was protected to a certain extent and we have paid for it since by letting him lol about on golf courses getting paid for doing nothing. Ambassador for britain doing buisness on a golf course we could all do that given the chance. what do you think about this. The queen must be going senile




  1. All servicemen and women receive medals with a criteria laid down by the MOD.  In this case the Operational Service Medal with clasp Afghanistan is awarded to all personnel after 30 days continuous or aggregated service.  As to his safety, REMF`s (ex servicemen and women will know the expression) in theatre also receive the same medal.

    Your question shows you be an anti monarchist puke.

  2. Actually,Harry was living just like the other men with no special comforts and was patrolling the streets like the other men too. It was the MEDIA who ruined it by  putting his face in every newspaper and every channel all over the world. THAT is why he was called back home. Still I disagree with him having all that protection. You want to be the big dog,then the big dog goes in front AND knows how to protect HIMSELF!

    I remember reading about people like Queen Boudicca,or Alfred the Great who led their troops into battle with arrows whizzing by. Even George Washington had the habit of standing in front of his troops while snipers tried  shooting at him. This guy,even as President led troops into the field in The Whiskey Rebellion and Shays Rebellion too.

  3. dude, at least he's been there...thats 1 month more than you have i bet.

  4. In today's news it stated that everyone who was there 4 weeks or more received a service medal.  Prince Harry was there 10 weeks.  There were pictures of him and many others receiving their medals.  He was not just picked out because he is Prince Harry.  

    In a war zone, no one is every truly safe.

  5. he deserves a medal because he actually served time in afghanistan. gosh!! you dumbfucks! just because they're royalty they don't deserve anything this world has to offer them?! look you brits are lucky you even have people like harry in high places who are actually involved one way or another in the war, instead of us on the other side of the pond who have a no-good coniving, deceiving, lying president for a leader. obama for '08. PEACE!!!

  6. Why? Because, some stupid people think that him going out to Afghanistan, being in no danger the entire time, is brave - Just because of his bloodline, which is amazingly stupid.

    And the video that was shown on the news dozens of times was of the Prince supposedly "being sad" when he was leaving Afghanistan. Who cares?! Millions of other soldiers are out fighting in real danger, risking their lives, and Harry comes in and "OMG HAI IM COMIN TOO!11" and he gets a medal. You're right, it's completely idiotic.

  7. No way unless all the boys get one

  8. Exactly. Was Harry in any real danger in Iraq? No.

  9. I'd imagine for the same stuff that Bu$h got an honorable discharge for his time he didn't complete in the Air National Guard.

  10. Well, there are two main angles you can look at the situation from...

    1) Well it's unfair because look at all those suffering and dying men and even women out there who don't get to get a glimpse of their family and everyday is a living nightmare for them because they don't know if they'll ever go back home.

    2) But then again, he's royalty and for some reason, a big fuss is made of him (as if everybody else isn't made of flesh and blood). But he did go there, at war, and well you sometimes have to just accept the fact that most royal people don't go to war, even if they are protected. So one can see this as Harry not going to fight, but to offer valuable mental support to all the soldiers out there who desperately need it.

    Hope I helped and btw, really good question!

  11. EVERYBODY who goes gets one, he's not been singled out.

  12. I Know. I'm Sure That All The Other Soldiers Who Have Been Out There Longer Than Him Haven't Recieved Medals.

    Just Because He's Royal. I Mean...

    Don't Get Me Wrong I've Met Harry (And William) And He Seemed Like A Really Nice Down To Earth Guy.

  13. Prince Harry served in Afganistan for 10 weeks, he received his own protection but was still in danger.

    Everyone who has served in Afganistan will receive a medal.

    Everyone who has served in Afganistan deserves a medal !

  14. because sadly in this country peoples parentage seems to be more important than their morals and mental ability

    I mean we have a loved and respected royal family because of their bloodline - not because they are mentally or physically superior - if aliens came i bet theyd be astounded that we revere others for so little

    its a strange and shocking system but its one we still live within

  15. The whole royal family are so adorned with medals I'm sure they put them in their christmas crackers. What has Princess Anne done to receive hers?

  16. I'm surprised it's taken that long for Harry to receive what is after all just a campaign medal.

    What is a campaign medal?

    A campaign medal is issued to every soldier who has served in a theatre of operation for a pre-determined length of time.

    I have to say that my dad's two rows of WW2 medals were awarded for being in certain places for about 24 hours.

    You're obviously far too young to know about these things.  Go back 30 years and hundreds of thousands of war vets of WW2 (including my dad etc) turned up on Remembrance Sunday wearing one two or even three rows of medals.

    British Army Rumour Service > > Forums > > General > > The QM's ... Forums The British Army's unofficial source of Military Chat, ... Does this mean that the Non-Article 5 NATO medal which is issued to ISAF troops in ...

    Troops denied special Afghan medal - Telegraph

    Aug 17, 2007 ... As there already is a General Service Medal for Afghanistan I understand ... It is accepted by many that the British Army is one of the best ... - Cached

    Our troops get c**p recognition from this and they deserve every gong going - including the one given to Prince Harry.

    Had it not been for the big mouth American press, I have no doubt that Harry would have continued serving his country and being with his regiment.

    Harry is a good soldier.

    Wecome home. . . .

  17. He was there longer than a month which is the minimum time allowed to get a campaign medal. Others also received medals.Get your facts right before posting.

  18. All the boys who go out there to help deserve a medal.

  19. No, I don't think one month is enough.

  20. I object to you slagging off the Queen of England because you dont agree with a medal, to which you haven't even had the intelligence to provide a link .

  21. I understand the medal he got is one that goes to everyone who served in Afghanistan.  It is usual practice in the UK to give medals to people who have served in military campaigns, they are not the same as medals awarded for individual acts of bravery.

  22. Those royal craps!! Every time they move they have the publicity and awards. That guy did not got to Afghanistan to shoot the Taliban or the other bad  guys.He was there to prove that he could look handsome even with all the dust and grime on his outfit. And so he deserves something from the palace. The king,queen and all those royal bungholes are only for decorations.They serve nothing to their country.The public is shouldering all the expenses for that bunch of good for nothings.Oh, they love scandals.Remember that guy who had the toes of one duchess in his mouth?? Wasn't it lovely!! But then they are royals!! Royal craps!!

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