
How can private and public institutions work together to support those with disabilities?

by Guest63203  |  earlier

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How can private and public institutions work together to support those with disabilities?




  1. Private and public institutions can create a network for teaching and employing students with disabilities. Private sector businesses can set up teaching situations for children to learn how to shop, spend money, etc. They can also make their businesses more assessable to those with handicaps: wider uncluttered aisles, lower cash register counters, office spaces that are wheel chair assessable, etc. The internet is another place where accessibility can improve.

  2. They could work together by sharing ideas and networking, however, they are supported by different types of money, so have to get the supporters involved as well.

  3. reinforcing each other's accomodations needs. if one is lacking the other helps by reinforcing:  thus stepping in the provide the need that the child's disability requires.

  4. Okay where is this place where private and public schools work together.  This must be fantasy land.  I have my children in a Christian School.  Not because of religious beliefs simply because the public school could not or would not teach my children to read.  They needed Phonics,  The school at that time did not have this.   The Christian school works with me and gave them the phonics they needed.  The only thing the public school does is transport my children to the private school.   Something I know they would not do if they did not have to.   The bus driver has told me many times we have to transport your child because of their IEP.   Put that in your Hat and smoke it .   NO HELP IN ANY OTHER FORM>   JOKE

  5. Public and private institutions can work together by making sure that those with disabilities get the same chances that every one else gets.  My niece is now in college and she goes to Temple University where they are making a concerted effort to make sure that her educational needs are being met so that she can succeed in college as well as she did in high school.  I hope to be able to find a college that is as help full when my daughter is old enough for college.  If we could get both the private and the public sector to realize that  they would each benefit from working to make sure that people with disabilities have the same chances to the best of their abilities we would be a lot better off.

  6. Yes, and by law they are supposed to. LEA's are responsible for providing educational supports no matter where the student attends.

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