
How can pro american countries like georgia and armenia and ukrine trust the USA?

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yes i agree the russians are wrong in attacking a pro-USA neighbouring country.

Georgia has been trying to shed its past and is now in a fully western

mode of thinking. It wants to be a member of the EU and NATO.

Georghia has aslo helped the USA in Iraq.It is the third largest foregin army there.

why are the western countries so shaky and weak if front to the russians? Where are all the promises made to the georgians?

How can any east european country trust the west from now on?

What if russia invades poland? who will send toops to fight the russians?

It seems like talking and giving statments is not helping the situation. the world wants to see action and results.




  1. Of course they cant trust USA.

    USA say - human rights is priority. And bombing Serbia. Thousands civlians deads.

    USA say - there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. And bombing and occupied it, but not find the weapon. Thousands civlians deads.

    USA say - Russia is agressor. But Georgia begin the war and killed 2000 civlians, not Russia.

    As result -  pro american countries can't trust the USA.

  2. Armenia is NOT pro-American.

    Armenia keeps close ties and cooperation with Russia. While has also some ties with USA and European countries limited in economical sphere.

    But anyway, Russia remains Armenia's most important ally.

    Besides, Georgia was the aggressor against South Ossetia. And Russia was the only one who helped Ossetians.

    There are reports by independent journalists that in some cases Georgian tanks drove on civilians, women and children.

    Along with helping Ossetians, Russia also used the opportunity to attack Georgia.

    If you remember the re-action of NATO and USA towards Yugoslavia, you will agree that Russia's actions were too soft towards Georgia.

  3. Georgia was the aggressor.They thought they'd get the backing from America or they obviously wouldn't have dared it.In reality America was testing if Russia meant business.It does.

  4. 1. Russia manipulated South Osetia and provoced the Action from Georgia which they interpreted as an Agression and invaded Georgia Russia started this war Throught Manipulation ! (This wont be revealed untill fourty years pass however !)

    2. USA does what is necceasry many countries will help Georgia cause all the inteligent factors now that Georgia was  manipulated by Russia (provoced !) into taking the action which unwilingy lead to start the War the South Osetians and Georgians are manipulated by Russia ! So that Russia can enter there as Peace keeping force !

    Both South Ossetia and Georgia are victims of War the Agressor is the Peace keaper Russia !!!!!!!!!!

    3. We need to pressure Russia to stop the war South Osetia will stop also ! (Georgia should than be given forgein advisors from the states interested so the next time Georgia wont lead itself into another Russian trap ! If Georgia werent abandoned and the Georgian goverment would have neutral Foreigeen advisors who could see the situation more normal and less emotional the Georgian president would have a message on his desk that this is a trap the Georgians fault is that they treated Osetia to emotionally and lead them selfs unnowingly to a Russian preapaired TRAP !

  5. i have noooooo idea

  6. That's not true.

    Georgia attacked South Ossetia 3 days ago, at night, and bombed Tskhinvali city (capital of South Ossetia). Russian peacemakers were located in South Ossetia according to UN declaration. Georgians attacked them as well. Russian peacemakers were forced to defend.

    Georgians stepped back a bit regrouping their forces and started another attack. So it goes for fourth day...

    Here is the truth but not the propaganda:

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